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  1. #11
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quebec001 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by smokefree View Post
    If it's a nüvi 350 you have: it can recognize SDHC cards but is not capable of recognizing map files larger than 2 GB, regardless of firmware version. That explains why only the smaller map works on your unit, not the full map.
    Is not true, because some forum and garmin said, with old serie gps, -----» not working with SDHC more 2gig, is not true.
    Please note this limitation of incompatibility with SDHC cards only applies to certain models, not the nüvi 350! Nüvi 350 can read SDHC cards of 4 GB. Please read post #4 carefully.

    Quote Originally Posted by quebec001 View Post
    I already made test via mapsource and garmin topo map of canada with about 4gig of the nuvi 350 and has worked wonderfully! on a SDHC 4gig
    I seriously doubt that, as the nüvi 350 is not capable of recognizing map files exceeding a 2 GB size. You don't need to take my word for it, you can read it for yourself here:

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    This information pretty much confirms what I wrote in post #4.

    Quote Originally Posted by quebec001 View Post
    if is because more 2gig is problem, why 3gig topo maps workk well ?diff betwin topo and city map ?
    As established earlier, no map file larger than 2 GB will work on a nüvi 350, regardless of it being a topo map or a road map.
    Last edited by smokefree; 26th January 2014 at 10:46 AM. Reason: Changed reference to other post after this topic got split off from the CNA 2014.40 thread.

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  3. #12
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    Above posts moved from [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    Here are some facts about 3x0. No hearsay or from another forum or even from Garmin, but from my experience with a couple of 3 series. The unit can see at least a 8GB Sandisk SDHC formatted in FAT32 [8 'GB' = 7,939,817,472 bytes = 7.39 GiB]. It can use Full NA 2014.20 which is 1.88 GiB binary (2,025,357,312 bytes, or ~2.025 GB decimal) but it cannot recognise AU Topo V4 which is 2.84 GiB (3,050,766,336 bytes).


    This is definitive as far as i'm concerned: 300 series is not limited to 2GB card, but is limited to under 2GiB map image file.
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  4. #13
    Master quebec001's Avatar
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    2014.30= 1.98 gig and search mode address working on 8gig
    2014.40=2.09 gig and search address mode not working on 8gig SD
    i think 2014.40 have problem

  5. #14
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    NA 2014.40 is over 2GiB. Can you please post a screenshot of the Map Info page showing the complete NA 2014.40 recognised by your 350?

    I've now tried 5 different 3x0 series nuvis, 1 x AU 300, 2 x AU 310 and 2 x NA 360 none of which will recognise a map image over 2GiB but will display 2014.30 which is indeed 2,122,612,736 bytes or ~1.98GiB, just under 2GiB.

    All 5 units will also accept a Toshiba 16GB microSDHC Class 6 and a Sandisk 64GB microSDXC-I [reformatted to FAT32] in an SD Adapter. Definitely card size is not an issue in nuvi 3x0 series just as it isn't in later nuvi series.
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  6. #15
    Master quebec001's Avatar
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    ok ill trying test with garmin topo canada about 2.5 at 2.8gig

  7. #16
    Master quebec001's Avatar
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    **** !! **** and reshit!!!!
    I remade my duty

    • I tryed Garmin City Navigator Europe 2013.40 at 2.83gig ( so i am not at 100% if its just NT and not NTU) My nuvi 360begins scanning but cant finish scan new map and inside info map cant saw
    • I reinstalled garmin topo canada v4, i made on "SD of 2.84gig and same Europe my nuvi 360 begins scanning but cant finish scan new map and inside info map cant saw new map!

    So think is not normal and no new firmware !

    Sorry M. Smokefree and M. tli, I have to make my mea culpa
    Last edited by quebec001; 30th January 2014 at 01:33 AM.

  8. #17
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    No problem, I'm still curious whether splitting the full mapset into two img files, each smaller than 2GiB, would work. Please test if you have a chance--unless Neil has tried already... thanks!

  9. #18
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    Yes, splitting into 2 mapsets will work. Some early and regional 300 series have only 512MiB flash drive, although NA certainly in the later releases anyway and probably EU have 2GiB [1.87 usable], but taking basemap, voices etc into consideration doesn't leave a lot of room for internal detail maps on the limited memory units. I'm going from uncertain recollection, but i think that the following detail map img file names will work in the unit itself:

    1. gmapsupp.img
    2. gmapprom.img
    3. gmapprom1.img
    4. gmapoem.img [may not work for all maps, or may not be selectable/deselectable in Map Info]

    Of course you can also use gmapsupp.img for a different map in the SD Garmin folder.

    So up to 5 different detail map image files is maybe possible. You can [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] to create 1 larger map up to the 2GiB size limit to use as gmapsupp on an SD, or if you have the PC/MS install versions just combine them with MapInstall. If you had for instance a large topo image and didn't mind losing address search you could spit it using [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] to then make two smaller image files each under 2GiB. Better to use the proper PC/MS version to make the individual images if it's available of course, so for NA & EU which are now both over 2GiB that's the way to go. Just remember to only use BC/MI and never MapSource to compile the 'shortcut' images for modern CNNT maps.
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  10. #19
    Master quebec001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tli View Post
    No problem, I'm still curious whether splitting the full mapset into two img files, each smaller than 2GiB, would work. Please test if you have a chance--unless Neil has tried already... thanks!
    i will trye, so just for one test, because , old map inside give nice backup if i lose my external SD or broke this SD

    so if you put put de same name map inside and SD, gps dont like start ?

    so i made one test, i using City navigator North america NT 2014.40 without Mexico in my SD card, and ill made City navigator North Americ Nt 20140 Mexico only inside my gps gmapprom.img
    ill give my feed back after
    Last edited by quebec001; 27th January 2014 at 12:08 AM.

  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by quebec001 View Post
    so if you put put de same name map inside and SD, gps dont like start ?

    so i made one test, i using City navigator North america NT 2014.40 without Mexico in my SD card, and ill made City navigator North Americ Nt 20140 Mexico only inside my gps gmapprom.img
    ill give my feed back after
    You do not have any problem using this way. File name is not matter but only gmapsupp.img on SD is available and maybe is not available gmapprom1.img inside. We use this method many year... Good luck!
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