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  1. #491
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    I have GTM 36 bought with 3490LMT.
    I think that the subscription is inside the GTM 36, because I can use the GTM 36 with Nuvi 1300 Firmware 6.10
    Last edited by dasilvarsa; 3rd November 2012 at 04:55 PM.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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  3. #492
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
    Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    I've got GMT 25, 26 & 35 and they're also like that and all came with L(M)T units. I'm sure that's the way every GMT has been, none have ever been locked to a specific device even when boxed with Lifetime subscription units.
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  4. #493
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Gooday Mate
    I'm New to this Traffic Thing so I've read this thread with a lot of interest.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein.

  5. #494
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    GTM36 work with new nuvi but wont work on nuvi 1xxx.
    GTM 25 work on old and new nuvi and in this is also code writen inside reciver,so if you connect to different nuvi TMC work.
    Only GTM 20 and 21 save TMC code inside nuvi all GTM after save directly to reciver

  6. #495
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Thanks Loly, I was referring to the ones we were talking about (25, 26, 35 & 36). I should have said 'I'm sure that's the way any one of those GMTs has been, none have ever been locked to a specific device even when boxed with Lifetime subscription units. Thanks for the clarification.

    I notice dasilvarsa finds that his 36 works with other traffic capable units that he has tried it with. I know he has a 1300 for sure, could the restriction on GMT 36 be regional? I have never owned or used a 36 here in AU.
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  7. #496
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    I have GTM36 with nuvi 3490 and i try on nuvi 1300,1350 and 1490 and wont work,but when i try GTM25,GTM26 and GTM35 all work in all nuvi series i dont know why GTM36 wont work.
    I try this about two monts ago maybe sometging changed in this time,but i cant try.

  8. #497
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Yes, GTM 25, 26 & 35 all work for me on all traffic nuvis also, tried on 265W, 1300, 1350, 1390, 1450, 2350, 2455, 3790/3490. Maybe dasivarsa can report again on using his 36 with other nuvis that support traffic, and which ones specifically.
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  9. #498
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    GTM36 works on nuvi 1300 and 3490, The provider here is Altech Netstar.

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    Last edited by dasilvarsa; 3rd November 2012 at 05:39 PM.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein.

  10. #499
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    I try about 1 hour ago GTM36 on nuvi 1300 and also work Provider is Traff_nav.

  11. #500
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    As the relations between GTMs receivers, gps models (and firmware) and local TMC signals are complicated, no? We realize that these 3 factors are the main determinants involving the Traffic works in one location and not in another, even with the same hardware. However, it is important to remember of another element which recently became also crucial for function Traffic: the type of signature. With original Garmin signature installed in receivers GTM25 and higher, the traffic works with all models of GPS, 1xxx and above. The recent problems happen with the receivers 26 and GTM 36 with signature Jetmouse. These receptors do not work with this signature with the Garmin 2012 GPS with the new firmware (24x5, 25x5, 34xx, 35xx), but work perfectly with those using the previous operating system (1xxx, 37xx and others). Who wants to read a little about the subject, see the topic [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] post 27 and others.
    Last edited by angelozip; 3rd November 2012 at 09:22 PM.
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