SASplanet ver 120808 is now in english !
With a JNX option for Garmin.
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Last edited by catymag; 22nd July 2012 at 12:44 PM. Reason: coded links
SASplanet ver 120808 is now in english !
With a JNX option for Garmin.
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Does anybody know my when loading a kml track I can see the placemarks but not the paths?
PS: I figured it out. There was no path in the kml file, I had to convert it to gpx to see the path
Last edited by persep; 24th September 2012 at 10:19 AM. Reason: Added info
Hi jeanbon,
that was a realy good hint ;-)
Now I just maked sone JNX with
SASplanet - and it works great. :-)
The SASplanet programmers did a
good job.
For readers who not familiar with SASplanet,
here is a quick and dirty tutorial:
SASPlanet create JNX::
1 .Operations -> Selection Manager
-make your selection
2. Operations -> Selection Manager (ctrl+B)-> Download
first dowload all necessary map data
-choose your Map and Zoom
-I used Zoom 19 16 and 13 for the JNX
(for second and third download press
for last selection ctrl+B)
3.Operations -> Selection Manager (ctrl+B)-> Export (as JNX)
-choose all parameters for the JNX
Export selection format: JNX raster map for Garmin
Save to: (choose path and filname)
Map: mark the Zooms and Map as downloaded
(I use first three rows with zooms 19 16 and 13)
Overlay layer: choose Overlay Maps
and last..
Additional: JNX version
(i use JNX version 4 and Z-Order 0,
JNX used as background for transparent vector maps)
thats all..
dont forget to pusch [Start]
The result
are some files with *.JNX extention.
These files have to copy in the Garmin-Device folder
Garmin\BirdsEye .
If the data volume of the JNX is big, SASplanet splits
the files automatically.
Unfortunately the SAS-JNX version 4 does in Bascamp only
appear as frame.
But on the device it works great. For instance on the Montana with
firmware patch as written here:
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Good luck
says Hugo
Last edited by hugo4; 29th September 2012 at 06:57 PM.
SASplanet ver 121010 is available and always in english !
I would like to complete the presentation of SAS Planet by Higo4.
SAS can make life easier for ECW and Ozi files.
1 Introduction to SAS Planet.
This is a map viewer as Gmapcatcher I tested the Windows version.
It is portable, there is no installer, just unzip it to a directory. You can find the exe, caches and maps.
It shows google, Yahoo, Oms, Nokia and lots of Russian sites.
Card formats + assemblies are common BMP, PNG, Ozi + ECW.
You can select rectangular areas but also polygonal .....
The main disadvantage is the Russian language that I can not control at all. The latest version offers English ....
2 I understand Russian in one double click.
Go to google translation. You get 2 boxes.
place in the box to the left. Leave detect the language.Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Double click the address and right translation start site ....
You understand a English approximate the main page, the wiki and the forum.
Download Planet SAS Version 121010.
3 SAS planet in English ..
Open the. EXE. Menus appear with titles full of????????.
Be placed on the 7th menu (settings) and go to the third sub-menu (language)
Choose english ......
4 I make cards but the names of cities / streets are English and Russian ...
go into settings to change the hl=ru in hl=en and apply (for google for exemple )
out of SAS and delete the cache
Here now the main definitions of parameters maps for SAS.
Description of the custom size maps ZMP
To work with each program maps service and verifying service settings.
These options appear in a zip archive with the extension. ZMP or a separate folder
with postfix. ZMP are stored in the directory Maps.
Archive / folder with the extension / postfix ZMP can contain files and folders:
params.txt (required) - Tips;
GetUrlScript.txt (mandatory) - the script that is responsible for dispatching the tiles;
info.txt - map information;
image files referred to info. posted txt (map legend, for example);
EmptyTiles - samples directory of tiles that can be downloaded
from the server (eg, slabs completely transparent);
18.bmp - file icon that appears in the menu (bmp, 18 * 18 pix, background color 255,0,255);
24.bmp - file icon on the toolbar (bmp, 24 * 24 pix, 255,0,255 background color).
The latest version of the program instead 24.bmp 18.bmp and you can use
a single file called 24.bmp.
Contents of the file - the image of any size in the format bmp, png, ico.
Params.txt File
Options for params.txt file:
Section [PARAM]
asLayer - If 1, the card is used as a layer superimposed on the map.
pnum - serial number of the card in the menu.
GUID - a unique identification number of the card (GUID generators can be
found on the Internet, for example on site SAS).
ParentSubMenu - the name of the parent menu item in the map in Russian.
ParentSubMenu_en - the name of its parent menu item to the menu in English.
ParentSubMenu_uk - the name of the parent menu item in the map in Ukrainian.
name - the name of the map in Russian.
NAME_EN - the name of the card in English.
name_uk - card name in Ukrainian.
CacheType - cache type, which will be written on?? Tiles from the board. 0 - default
1 - GoogleMV 2 - SAS.Planet, 3 - EarthSlicer, 4 - Tiles GlobalMapper (GMT)
5 - Google Earth 6 - BerkeleyDB, 8 - Geocacher.
DefURLBase - constant reference to the portion of the address card slabs.
projection - a map projection. 1 - Mercator spheroid
2 - Mercator on the ellipsoid, 3 - latitude / longitude.
sradiusa - the radius of the semi-major axis of the ellipsoid.
sradiusb - radius of the semi-ellipsoid.
EPSG - map projection code.
NameInCache-folder name in the cache, which will be recorded map tiles.
separator - separator as a horizontal line which appears in the menu
According to the map (1 - display, 0 - do not display).
Ext - extension of the tile (JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF ....). Specifies the format in which
will force other maps if ContentType.
UseDwn - If 1 download map tiles are allowed.
Sleep - the value of the pause between the individual tiles loading in milliseconds.
DefHotKey - keyboard shortcuts for the card.
ContentType - the data type being loaded
(for exemple, image / jpeg, image / png)You can use several types.
DefaultContentType - the type that will be used if the server does not return any
any type, or if there is negligence on the type returned by the server.
IgnoreContentType - ignoring the type returned by the server.
MimeTypeSubst - substitutions of downloaded data
(for exemple, "image/png8bit = image / png").
uploaded webnews bottom left, right, up and. If the resulting rectangle
is equal to the square 256x256, it has also expanded or compressed to this size.
UsePreloadPage - If 1, use the pre-loaded page (do not forget to specify the address.)
PreloadPage - address preloaded page.
RequestHead - custom HTTP-headers (headers) sent to the server.
The fields must be separated by a \ r \ n
(for exemple RequestHead = Referer: maps.kosmosnimki.ru \ r \ nConnection: Keep-Alive).
Version - Version of tiles corresponding to the variable in GetUrlScript.txt version.
MaxConnectToServerCount - the maximum number of threads. The default value is defined
in section [ZmpDefaultParams] file SASPlanet.ini
IsUseDownloaderInScript = 1, use the download script added here
Cut tiles
CutCountX = 0 (the number of parts on the axes X, optional)
CutCountY = 0 (respectively Y)
CutSizeX = 0 (block size for X, it is not clear - is derived from the 256 parameters)
CutSizeY = 0 (respectively Y)
CutTileX = 0 (position of the slab to the desired overview of X)
CutTileY = 0 (respectively Y)
CutToSkip = (0,0), (0, -1) a list of tiles to be ignored (CutTileX relative CutTileY).
Section [ViewInfo]
EPSG - map projection code for display.
Some graphics settings can be changed in the program without
params.txt to edit the file. To do this, go to Settings? Options map
or press Ctrl + Alt + P. User settings are stored in the file
maps / maps.ini.
GetUrlScript.txt file contains the script that generates the full address of links
files from carte.On usually placed the zoom and No. slabs
Y and X. The scripts are written in SAS Pascal.Une option allows you to view
numbers of tiles it is possible to write a script to change the order of
Info.txt file contains textual information on the map. HTML syntax is
(In particular, paragraphs should be separated <BR> tag).
please find after here a sample for spain.
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SASplanet ver 120808 is working nice.
But my question is whether this program is able to add a variety of map layers?
Eesti (Maaamet aero) there is, however, is to add different layers?
Mamet.zmp is provided in multi layers ..
Taking inspiration from the example, you can edit the files by requesting only a main layer.
Repeat the operation indicating asLayer = 1 for transparent layers.
For each of the layers modify pnum and guid.
see the example of Google Maps with Google Hybrid
Try to modify the files....
Plese, could someone help me to create ZMP files for the following map?
Poland (Orto, Topo and Raster)Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Croatia (Topo and Orto)Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
SpainCode:Please Login or Register to see the links
GermanyCode:Please Login or Register to see the links
Thanks so much!Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Last edited by catymag; 28th October 2013 at 02:49 PM. Reason: coded official links
For France, here are two .zmp files to put in Sas Planet Map folder :
Géoportail Cartes :
Spoiler: CLICK
Géoportail Satellites :
Spoiler: CLICK
Last edited by sergio2; 28th October 2013 at 06:38 PM.
For Spain, after here are two .zmp files to put in Sas Planet Map folder :
Sigpag Raster:
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Sigpar Ortofoto:
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SASplanet stable version 131111 is now available
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