Mobile Atlas Creator
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Design atlases with this tool. Mobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source (GPL) software which creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other Android and WindowsCE based applications.
Additionally individual maps can be exported as one large PNG image with calibration MAP file for OziExplorer. As source for an offline atlas Mobile Atlas Creator can use a large number of different online maps such as OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Microsoft/Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps and many more online map providers.
Mobile Atlas Creator (formerly TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) Features:
1. Create offline atlases for a large number of different (mobile) applications and GPS handhelds.
2. Prepare atlases consisting of multiple layers, different map sources map resolutions (zoom levels)...
3. Save and load your favorite atlas compilation as profile to/from file
4. Merge different layers using Drag & Drop
5. Create map tiles using custom size and image format (PNG/JPG)
6. Fast download of map tiles using simultaneous multi-threaded download (number of threads configurable)
7. Downloaded tiles are cached locally - avoids multiple downloads of same map tiles
8. Download only updated tiles - use locally cached tiles otherwise
9. Full support for network connections via HTTP proxy
Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.16
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1.9.16 (2014-02-06)
! Background color does not work in case of a multi-layer map source with
only one layer (#252)
~ The atlas format Maverick was changed from OSMTracker format to RMaps
SQLite format (request from Maverick author).
1.9.15 (2013-11-20)
+ Selection around GPX track: preview map selection while selecting distance
+ Selection enclosed by GPX track (inner region)
! Minimum and maximum zoom level of custom multi-layer map sources in
combination with local file-based map sources corrected
! Maverick: Corrected that all files are expected to have ".jpg.tile"
! Maplorer: Custom tile width and height reactivated
extension, even if it is a PNG file.
+ Updated xerial SQLite library that comes with MOBAC to v1.3.15-M1.
1.9.14 (2013-07-29)
~ Custom SQlite map sources can now be specified using a relative path
~ BackCountry Navigator format updated - now SQLite based atlases are created
+ Japanese translation added (thanks to "u/ta-ka") [patch #33]
! Not translated tooltip corrected [patch #34]
! A problem with MapSourceInitializationException fixed (#245)
! Memory leak fixed in "TwoNav (RMAP)" atlas format causing an
OutOfMemoryError when creating a large atlas
1.9.13 (2013-05-29)
! HTML injection via Atlas name bug #242
! Workaround for Java bug in JPEG writer (if source image has alpha
transparency) implemented
+ French translation added (thanks to Jean-Claude Repetto) [patch #31]
1.9.12 (2013-04-17)
! Mapsource OpenStreetMap updated
~ Reduced the number of decimal places of coordinates in GPX files created by
MOBAC to 5 places (#242)
+ Custom multi-layer map sources: Each layer can now have an alpha
transparency value, specified as space separated list in <layersAlpha>
! Bufix of conversion between different coordinate formats (degree, deg/min,
~ localImageFile support using <retinaDisplay> (patch by miocool)
~ More atlas format support retina (scale = 2) images, including Paper(PNG),
Paper(pdf). (patch by miocool)
! More atlas format can display retina (scale = 2) images correctly
(convert to scale = 1), such as iPhone v5 (patch by miocool)
+ Add <localImageFile> map source support (patch by miocool)
! Bug fix of 512x512 map tile images in Multiple layer (patch by miocool)
+ Multiple language for Simplify-Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English
(patch by miocool)
+ View 512x512 map tile images for retina display (patch by miocool)
MOBAC 1.9 preview 14.
Preview 1.9 14 version also work with google maps, bing maps etc
Mobile Atlas Creator 1.8 beta 4
1.8 beta 4: (2010-10-09)
~ Implemented logging for ImageWriter warnings
~ Display selected areas: adding a new map selection does no longer resets the
map selection and therefore the highlighted area does not change.
1.9 preview 14 (2011-03-17)
+ Osmdroid SQLite: Tile image format conversion implemented
- Osm Hiking maps removed (excluding the "Wanderreitkarte Abo" version)
- maps removed as requested by map provider
1.9 preview 13 (2011-03-12)
+ Download to tile store without creating an atlas:
new atlas format "Tile store download only"
! BeanShell map sources could not be used with certain atlas formats
+ New map source: Israel Topo (Amudanan) with and without trails
Originally Posted by
Yellow Duck
Here is a source of mapsources (in post n25) I've found on a site. Add the googlesat.bsh file in the mapsources folder and you should be OK