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  1. #651
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Philipych, like you I also assume that TA-10/TA-20 "are not simply battery charger, and at the same time serves as an antenna-feeder path", ie, assume that it serves as an antenna probably, but it has an extra function besides feeding the battery: energizing the traffic receiver, this is the hypothesis.
    In short, what I meant was that the receiver built into some models of garmin PERHAPS work with other vehicular GARMIN CABLES (or other duly modified) have they or not antenna. An example of cable "alternative" was the cable that I mentioned and was indicated as a substitute to TA-20 by Garmin and which, it appears, has no antenna. All this because the receiver only works with a power cord connected, strong principle it depends on external power line from a cable. With other Garmin original cables if it works, will certainly be in a limited way, as backup for emergencies or for testing. Of course just only testing with any other vehicular cable from Garmin to check this hypothesis. Also in the Traffic Receiver Status screen you can check if the receiver is initialized and the intensity of the tune.
    Last edited by angelozip; 13th November 2013 at 03:41 PM.
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

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  3. #652
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    I go back to my original theory that the principle is the same as the FM radio use in a mobile phone which uses the earphones cable as an aerial/antenna to receive the FM signal [actually, they all use the shielding on the cable i think, not the actual audio wire inside]. There seems to me to be no good reason why it would be any different with on-board traffic receivers in Garmins, other than they are using the shielding of the power cable. Alternatively, they may be using one power wire somehow with some kind of RF filter to separate the FM radio signal, maybe via dedicated choke coils in the 'TA' designated cables. I really don't know nor pretend to fully understand how any of this works at a deep technical level, so much of this is supposition but it does make sense to me.

    So, if it uses the wire's shield [screen] as an aerial that would be the simplest because it's already floating free.

    If it's using one of the power wires then FM signals need to be separated via a filter of some kind [my car uses the rear window's inbuilt heater to receive it's radio signals via an RF filter. Another less comparative example is ADSL signals over plain copper telephone wires with a filter at our end to separate the ADSL from the voice transmissions. Either way it's using a wire for two purposes and then separating them].

    Regardless of the method used, there is no 'dedicated' antenna/aerial as such if my hypothesis is correct. It's the secondary function of an existing part of the cable. Also the aerial needs to be within certain lengths to properly receive the target frequency. This is why Garmin state that the lead needs to be uncoiled. Try bundling up the aerial wire on your FM radio, you'll lose or markedly degrade the reception. If the shielding is used, provided the cable is within the required unwound length then any shielded cable should work and then as reported in the other thread it is as Garmin states, i.e. older cables can do the job.

    Certainly there could also be an internal function in the device itself which when it is sensed that the external power is missing no battery power is fed to the traffic receiver. That power sensor's already present in all battery powered Garmin units so it wouldn't be difficult for them to use it to isolate the traffic module from the battery power as Angelo's mused.

    Further testing is probably needed as Angelo said, and if anyone is interested it should be in the other thread [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], or even a new one, but a bit OT here now.
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  4. #653
    Member + Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    How I can actívate for traffic reception in Argentina

    Someone explain with a tutorial with pics


  5. #654
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    There's a detailed tut in post #1, however unless someone posts the codes for Argentina that's not much help i suppose.
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  6. #655
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Anybody have FID/PID for TMobilis (Beneluks) ?

    Anybody found a way how to scan GTM chip over SD to get preinstalled code for traffic providers?
    If you wish, you can [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  7. #656
    Member + zakon's Avatar
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    Belgium, TMobilis (BE): 13827, 1, 1, 1

  8. #657
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
    Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Free RDS service for Ukrainian Aeroscan map:

    > Lic.iFamilyID: 1537
    > Lic.iProductID: 33
    > Lic.iRegionID: 33
    > Lic.iVendorID: 1

    Service is really free but if you only had bought a crypted Aeroscan map
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  9. #658
    Important User Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free Alviora's Avatar
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    Temp Free(until free) RDS service for Ukrainian Navlux map ( 107.4 FM) (until Kyiv only):
    Spoiler: Navlux

    1539 40 40 1

    for the service requires an crypted map + License.
    Aeroscan TMC service (103.6 FM) (until Kyiv only)
    for the service requires an crypted map + License.
    Spoiler: Aeroscan
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    official online keygen: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by Alviora; 6th January 2014 at 08:53 PM.
    Слава Україні!!!

  10. #659
    Member + tadferreira's Avatar
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    NUVI Jet Mouse 1.5 5digits for Traffic(TMC) Brazil

    Hello to all.
    I offer the Jet Mouse1.5 with 5 digits for those who need to enable Traffic Garmin Nuvi us.
    Being more practical than the Jet Mouse 1.3

    Jet Mouse 1.5 5digits + Checksun Fix
    Spoiler: CLICK

    Keys for Traffic(BR) Brazil
    31495, 14, 14, 1
    31495, 15, 15, 1

    Working in GTM25, GTM35 and GTM36 on Nuvi 3597
    Last edited by tadferreira; 27th February 2014 at 05:31 PM. Reason: Keys for Brazil
    Vs:Mobile XT/ 3790 Vs5.1 HWID1101-Firm2.60/ 3597 Vs5.1 HWID1603-Firm4.60
    Mapa: CNSA 2020.10,AutoGuia 4.35,TRC 18.05, OSM SA 19.06, 3DMap,G2S,ASR,JCV,SID,BaseMap,DEM,Traffic.

  11. #660
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Thanks. However the file is available for download [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] on Noeman already.
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