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  1. #41
    Important User How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    catymag's Avatar
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    You have 2 problems :
    1)Even flashing Kunix's cure in preboot, you cant see your device as Mass Storage .
    2) Unit cant load bump from sd
    There are no other ways probably to cure it.
    You can try kunix's quick cure also ,but if the above are true, I'm not optimistic.
    Probably this unit has a damaged boot sector.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #42
    GPSPower Helper How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    You could make a RGN with only boot.bin and logo.bin and flash it in pre-boot mode.
    Just in case someone flashed incorrect logo.bin before you got it and it's crashing on logo.bin.
    This is the only other thing that I can think of and it's a long shot, but then again nothing to lose.

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    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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  4. #43
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Very perceptive dasil. In fact it may also have the correct logo bin file, but because there are 2 indentical BMP images in 16.bin it may be loading the first then getting stuck on the second one and crashing.

    Here is the kit at Zippyshare. [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Flash 0827logo760.rgn with Updater.exe as dasilvarsa said.
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  5. #44
    Navigation software Moderator kunix's Avatar
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    There is a possibility that corrupted NV memory crashes the firmware (both CURE and ORIGINAL) very early. That's why it doesn't try to load ldr.bin.
    (As I said long time ago it is fw_all.bin who initiates ldr.bin loading: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ])
    Therefore the following trick can be useful (I'm very surprised that no one has suggested using it yet): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    I've made all the required stuff for you. Just unpack the following archive to the root of an SD card (so that Garmin folder is at SD:/Garmin) and flash the RGN inside. Then post SD:/Garmin/Updater/0827/update.log here (while erasing your UnitID, of course).
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    Hopefully this will clear NV memory and then you will be able to use GarminCure3 to clear the internal flash drive. Or maybe your unit will start working immediately.
    Last edited by kunix; 9th July 2013 at 07:46 AM. Reason: update.txt -> update.log

  6. #45
    GPSPower Helper How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    When you flash a lower version (downgrade) using pre-boot or Gupdate.gcd it seems to clear Nonvol automatically at first boot.
    I've managed to fix some strange faults on Nuvi's this way. (going back to a very very early version)
    I fixed one bricked 1350 this week by flashing JAP and immediately after flashing US in preboot mode.
    I think that maybe the owner had been experimenting with Asian Firmwares.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
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  7. #46
    Navigation software Moderator kunix's Avatar
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    I know that. Probably this is the reason why flashing older firmwares helps sometimes. Probably I can even make a GarminCure3-like patch to force NV clearing.
    But I'm not sure that 1) firmware won't crash before clearing NV 2) it clears everything, all possible bad records.

  8. #47
    Navigation software expert How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    If you have time you can create this GarminCure3-like patch, becouse we have here some user who can't repair nuvi and can test your patch if will work or not.
    If you wish, you can [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  9. #48
    Navigation software Moderator kunix's Avatar
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    Currently I'm exploring how NV clearing is done when an older software version is loaded... It seems that NV is read into RAM and initialized BEFORE doing this. So the firmware can still crash in theory if NV is severely damaged. But I can't know for sure, of course.
    Therefore, b224, can you try flashing a firmware with lower version (lowered by RGN_Tool, for example) before trying my previous [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]?

  10. #49
    Navigation software expert How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Here you have old FW if you try suggestion from kunix:

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    and here you have FW 7.60 lowered by RGN_Tool to version 7.10

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    If you wish, you can [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  11. #50
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Whether you have managed to fix your nuvi or not, could you please let us know you are going with this. It could be helpful to others .
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