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  1. #1
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    Guide How to install igo primo on double din headunit

    hi all,

    I would like to share how to install igo primo 2 on my double din headunit. Caska 3628, OS: WinCE, Resolution: 800x480.

    After browsing through several gps forums, like noeman, navigasi.net, i found that those forums almost provide nothing about primo installation in headunit, although the software, maps, pois etc are easily to get (thanks to ScorpioPirate ). Have consulted to ScorpioPirate too on how to install it, but still couldn't work.

    so i decided to ask the R&D of Caska in my country on how to install it. Surprisingly, it is very easy to install it. Basically, there is no setup/installation like Windows-like to be run first. It is enough to execute the primo.exe directly. Now, it depends on how your device to point or execute the primo.exe file.

    On my headunit, the steps are as follows:
    1. copy the folder "Primo2" to sdcard. (i used igo primo2.2 internation edition from zerdim, uploaded by ScorpioPirate)
    2. create a file "maplaunch.ini" in sdcard, open the file and write this:

    path = Primo2\Primo.exe; <-- this indicates how my gps find the path to execute primo.exe
    bmpiconpath = Primo2\ui_igo9\800_480\loading_1.bmp; <-- this indicates to load loading picture at the beginning of startup of the gps
    showname = IGO Primo by Albert; <-- dont know what this is used for

    For this file, i copied the file from my previous sd card that was installed with igo 8. i simply edited the text inside that file.

    3. copy map, building, poi, dem, voice, and other file into corresponding folder in folder "Primo/content".
    4. that's it! insert sd card to headunit, and enjoy!!!

    Another information, I used Tomtom maps, pois, etc buat i found that they weren't updated. The R&D guy told me that it was better to use maps, pois, and so on from local provider (local provider that cooperates with Naviextra in providing maps). Fortunately, found a friend that use licensed igo primo, and i simply copied the folder "Primo/contents" and used it in my sd card. And it's true, very very complete. But if you are happy enough to use Tomtom, thats fine.

    Special thanks to ScorpioPirate and Zerdim in providing igo primo software and maps.
    Last edited by kawak_zx7; 21st March 2013 at 10:41 AM.

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  3. #2
    Master ScorpioPirate's Avatar
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    I remember you, and also those problems you have with your unit.

    I'm very happy for your feedback here: [how to] and [why]

    It will surely help other user out of the darkness to

    And now your also comes to the right place here: I and zervdim work's here in noeman now

    Here in noeman you found the largest "bunch" of [spe******t] around the net

    Have fun and enjoy your stay here
    Last edited by Boki; 13th March 2018 at 12:48 PM.

  4. #3
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    I have a Chinese double din unit and had a look at the files in my sd card. There is no maplaunch.ini file, instead in 'settings' there is a path to the igo.exe file on the sd card.

    I take it I can change the path to whatever CE 6.0 program I want to run first? I'm thinking of running a windows GUI with a better media player than the one that comes with the unit and also run the igo from the main windows screen when I need it, is this possible?

    I don't want to change the path if I can't reset it if it doesn't work

  5. #4
    Member + How to install igo primo on double din headunit bazzle's Avatar
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    That is common on most Chinese headunits. Just go to settings, gps path and point to Primo.exe, iGO8 .exe, Navigator.exe etc etc.
    If it doesnt work just go back to the original path but it should be ok .

    Use this as the path if you want and add your navi programs to it. (Menu.exe)

    GPS Menu.
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    I dont remember where I got it but it is a good add on.
    Open Config/gps.ini to set up the programs to point to.
    Check what it loks like in SystemInformation32.exe.


  6. #5
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    Default Problems with getting iGO running on Caska double DIN

    Hi All

    First - thanks to the original poster. Your description was exactly what I was looking for. I hope that someone has some suggestions for me, as I've followed this description to the letter without making progress. What follows in an overview of the problem I have, and then what I've tried already to date.

    The unit is a Caska 3649. I have been told by the distributor that the model number is CN141, although I think that is the model number for the navigation firmware.

    From the main screen, selecting "navigation" takes you to a screen with options for Navi, Internet (opens Opera browser), Settings (configure a 3g USB modem), Screen (perform a calibration). Clicking Navi is supposed to start running iGO, but it does nothing. I click this and and wait for 5 or 10 minutes, but nothing happens. The other buttons all work (Opera, calibrate, settings). If there is no SD card in the slot, then clicking Navi gives a "File not found" error.

    Spoiler: pics
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    Attempts to resolve
    So, what is on the SD card? I've tried four different packages. Each one I've downloaded, extracted with the folder structure intact and copied it to the card. Each time I put the SD card into the nav unit, click reboot nav, go to Nav and try to hit the Navi button, which still does nothing. I've tried the following from different packages: (This was in a package called iGO Primo 2.2 International Edition by Zervdim Greece) (In a package iGo-Primo 2.4-9.6.13 Complete )

    So the CASKA works with a maplaunch.ini file in the root directory of the SD card. This is what mine looks like for the last of these attempts:

    path = iGO8\iGO8.exe;
    bmpiconpath = igo_logo.bmp;
    showname = ;

    It seems like the unit never actually runs that .exe in that path though. There are no log files created on the SD card or any other file with an updated modified date. Let me know if anyone has any ideas on this one please, your help would be appreciated greatly!
    Last edited by Boki; 13th March 2018 at 12:46 PM.

  7. #6
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    I have caska 3641 and running primo nextgen Only problem is longer startup time compare with primo
    Last edited by karu puhh; 28th October 2015 at 08:31 AM.

  8. #7
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    Primo 2 help !
    I have ready so many forum threads without success but there seem to be a hell of a lot knowledge on this forum.

    I recently purchased a vehicle with a Polaris CA1621 inbuilt GPS unit which currently runs Sygic MobilePoronGps software on a windows CE platform.
    ( I wouldn't recommend one !!)
    The maps are 2012 and desperately need to be updated.

    I want to install and run the primo2 software but continue to hit a snag.
    All info from Primo2 download is copied onto the SD card.
    I have not altered the sys.txt file to keep the original as files as un-alterd as possible.

    I have created a maplaunch.ini file with the following info:
    path = Primo2A\Primo2.exe;
    bmpiconpath = Primo2\ui_igo9\800_480\loading.bmp;
    showname = GRK;

    which informs the solaris unit where to look for the Primo2.exe file on. There is not a settings function within the system to nominate the file where the exe file is located, hence the creation of the .ini file )

    All seems to be straight forward until I start the nav function on the unit. The Primo image appears ( an open road ), a thinking hourglass appears for a few seconds and then an error message appears: 'No map card, please check'

    No matter what i do I cannot get the solaris unit nav function to operate.

    I have made a back up of the original SD card. I have used that same card AND a new card but neither work.

    I spent soo much time with this. I hope someone can offer any suggestions ( apart from getting rid of of the solaris unit )
    Any help is appreciated.

  9. #8
    Master G-ulash's Avatar
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    I am no expert and can only give 2 ideas that both could be wrong.
    1. Somehow the Polaris keeps looking for a particular SDcard that is linked to the device.
    2. the maplaunch.ini file holds the wrong path (primo2 or Primo2A??), did you misstype?

    path = Primo2A\Primo2.exe;
    bmpiconpath = Primo2\ui_igo9\800_480\loading.bmp;
    showname = GRK;

  10. #9
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    I'm new to this site and a complete novice when it comes to technology but I do try lol.
    I've got a erosion 2din in my car.
    I've downloaded Igo primo 2.4.
    All seems to be working but gets no satellite signal and just continues to search for them even after leaving it searching for over an hour.
    Also the map defaults to a location in London when I'm in Devon.
    To be honest I'm not sure if it's the way I've got the folders saved on the sd card that is causing my problem or if it's my gps aeries which is brand new and I've tried mounting in different positions in the car(Bmw e46).
    When I put my sd car into my laptop and view files I seem to have loads in there and not all are in particular folders.
    Anyone able to guide me through how to set up folders correctly please but remember I'm clueless when it come to this sort of thing although willing to listen and learn

  11. #10
    iGO&Becker Moderator Korabi's Avatar
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    You have in your sys. txt this?
    if not you ad it in sys. txt
    Last edited by Korabi; 10th April 2016 at 03:57 PM.




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