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  1. #481
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
    Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free

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    Quote Originally Posted by taxi1 View Post
    can you help me with this "e cc" parameter?
    Area Provider FID PID RgnID VenID
    Slovenia, Radio SI/TrafficNav (SI): 18689, 33, 33, 1

    Code from GarminProvider.xml: A27NF8QEFHPKVD5LZ3DKC3BNV

    Oficial subscription: 1001 9/e4/1/33

    When I create subscripion as unlock by keygen I get: 1001 9/00/1/33
    The tmc receiver "run-normal", but I can not receive any traffic info.
    Probably is problem with ecc parameter "e4"
    Can I change unlock code with this parmameter?
    Probably you are using the receiver GTM 26/36 with Garmin gps model 2012 (it is desirable to know the model of GPS and GTM are you using).
    If you inserted a signature with JetMouse already having official Garmin signature , unfortunately, you definitely deleted the original. The signature of JetMouse, so far, not supports ecc (extended country code), and in the GTM 26/36 and 60 appears as 00 in the field ecc. To change the ecc we have to change the code of signature and this is only possible through an application like Jetmouse, that, for now, do not fulfill this function.
    Depending of the firmware used in your model of GPS, the Traffic system will not work, though appears the symbol of the Traffic on Map. Check the thread, post 27 and others..
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    check in MP
    Last edited by angelozip; 3rd November 2012 at 08:27 PM.
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

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  3. #482
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Do you try with trafficprovider xml with no ecc inside?

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  4. #483
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Lolypop, I've tested the trafficprovider.xml without ecc and traffic did not work (1300 with GTM 25 and 3490 with GTM36), but that does not means much, because seems that involves a more complex set of variables than simply adding or removing the ecc of the trafficproviders to enable Traffic. These variables have to do with determining the group of receivers TMC GTM 10/12 - 20/21 - 25/35 and 26/36/60; firmware traditional (USA different of Asia), new fw versions 2012 and the codes transmitted by the TMC radio station of the country. For example, the same model of GPS (and firmware), as the nuvi 2xx with GTM 25 receiver, tunes Traffic in the United States but not in my country. The same GTM25 with JetMouse signature works perfectly with models 1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxx in my coutry with USA firmware.
    I also did tests with a firmware of nuvi 1360 Japanese on a Nuvi 1390, who worked in my country with the same GTM25 but was not compatible with the GTM26 (mismatch warning when connecting the cable GTM). Anyway, I can safely say that trafficprovider without ecc does not work in my country with Nuvis 1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxx with GTM 25 and 26, but exist until the possibility to work in another country where there is compatibility with codes TMC of local radio. I will analyze a few screens that have saved and subsequently publish the material to discuss.
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

  5. #484
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    Buy in usa 1390LT. The traffic works in Brazil?

  6. #485
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    A lifetime traffic subscription included with any unit is only for the locality where it was purchased. For Brazil you need a local subscription. Read fully post #1, it contains the codes for Brazil and full instructions for unlocking and adding the subscription.
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  7. #486
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    Help-me! It did not work. The steps I did were:
    1. run "jmgkg13modTMCExp.exe"
    2. In "Enter your Unit ID here" field, and informed in the "code traffic receiver id"
    3. In "Select Map Product" field, selected "Custom mapset" and informed in the field MapID "31495" (FID Brazil = 31495)
    4. Click on button "Generate" and informed this code in Gps -> menu Tools -> Settings -> Traffic -> Subscriptions -> Add;

    Note: My GPS = Garmin Nuvi 1390LT (buy in USA)

    this correct?

    Printscreen GPS:
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    Printscreen jmgkg13modTMCExp.exe:
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    Last edited by glbatista; 19th October 2012 at 06:54 PM.

  8. #487
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    You need to use the 'traffic kg' only if extending a subscription:
    In the "Select Map Product" field, select "<custom mapset>". Open "Garmin_Week_calculator_TMC_MOD.XLS". Type number in "Enter Week Number". "Real Last working Day" field will give you the date when your new subscription would expire. Type the "Enter Week Number" into the 'traffic kg' (jmgkg13modTMCExp.exe).
    If adding a subscription, you use the traffic provider subscription id (FID, PID, RgnID and VenID) in the 'normal' JetMouse kg: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], not the 'traffic kg' (jmgkg13modTMCExp) as your pic shows.

    Read Post #1 again carefully.
    Last edited by Neil; 29th October 2012 at 05:00 AM. Reason: clarify.
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  9. #488
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    Is it possible to activate TMC if you aren't in area? I have 3760 converted to 3490 and tried but I were unsuccessful.

  10. #489
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    It is not possible to activate TMC if there is no signal of FM RDS radio available.
    In relation to the Jetmouse signature, she is always activate, but for the system to operate is required TMC FM RDS signal.
    The coverage area is generally of the same standard covered by frequency of the conventional FM radio broadcasts. Attention because the tuners GTM 36 and 26 do not work with subscription jetmouse in the firmwares of 34xx, 35xx, inside or outside the coverage area..
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

  11. #490


    You should manualy rewrite unlock code to TMC receiver in the same menu you used to find TMC receiver ID.



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