Thanks Giomen and aekhong, I have just downgraded to 4.80 and used the GUPDATE.GCD that I made from the RGN_Tool (at the same time I made the RGN file itself) it upgraded and I can see 3D buildings now.
I looked at my 13.10 map pack and I can't find a gmapdem file, I assume that there isn't one for NA and all you get is 3d buildings and not terrain?
Thank you both again!!
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?
Hi Giomen, Not too sure what the master of the flood is and im not sure why I should be banned sorry if I broke some rule.
I looked at the GarminDevice.xml and there is entrys and gmap3d and gmapdem.
The maps I used were CNNA_13.10, I used the unlocked img versions. Is the terrain like the 3d buildings and only works in specific areas?
Hello Guys,
Mu name is sly27
Just bought a costc nuvi 3670....upgrades the last firmawear put custom POI and have both NT north america and europe nt maps...(managed to install the europe by myself and unlock) I would very much to KNOW ho to use the RGN tool to change my firmware to a 3790 to have 3D buildings and ASR...
I can't find a coprehensive guide how to use RGN my gramin conected to putter can't find any of those file not know hao to flash or what a preboot is.
I live in toronto...I am offering a donation to support your good work if anyone is willing to e-mail me with instructions how to do this properly or if anyone can meet me and show me how is done...or even anyome who would like to have remote acces to my putter to do this for me...
I am lost...Tried to contact turbo ccc on spspaasion or on his wiki space withot success.. please help me with a comprehensive and clear guide how to do this....and where on my garmin can i find all the files needed to pe pathced how to patch them and how to flash the unit.
As i said i will doneate for the person helping me....please write me
thank you
Last edited by catymag; 29th August 2012 at 03:55 PM. Reason: sorry email addresses not allowed on forum
Look at these threads:
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No member here should take you up on that offer of a donation, as it doesn't conform to the rules or co-operative spirit of forums like this one. There are plenty of helpful experienced ppl to guide you but get some basic knowledge first by reading the threads and then you may not even need to post for further assistance.
Best you also edit that email address out before an Admin/Mod does it for you and then either warns or cards you. Again, against the rules. Have a look at them here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
'Thanking Posts' are banned. To thank someone, and/or to see hidden links and content, use the [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] button below left of the helpful post then refresh your browser [F5 key]. 'Thanking Posts' are banned.
Please don't spam. Posts serving no purpose other than to thank or to ask about hidden links are trashed or deleted, it's GPSPower's policy. Please don't spam.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] should make their first post as a new Intro Thread in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
well. maybe i am indeed very slow in my upper "folders"/// i treid everything on those threads...but cand even fing the sweet "g" spot for preboot or whatever....on the screen...i will refrain offering whar i did ..wish someone in toronto really help me...
Caty, pressing and holding the very top left corner as soon as the Garmin logo appears also worked for me, many many times.
above the G and top left corner both work for me on 3760T/3790T
in summary
- modding by patch firmware; every new firmware need to do this.
- modding the Model number to 3790 will get all feature without modding every new version
Last edited by bpb; 29th August 2012 at 04:13 PM.