The best version, as a rule, is always the latest available from Garmin, because it incorporates bug fixes. Check only if your files JNX personal are being loaded into your GPS after applying the patcher.
which firmware best version to use for garmin dakota 20 --
The best version, as a rule, is always the latest available from Garmin, because it incorporates bug fixes. Check only if your files JNX personal are being loaded into your GPS after applying the patcher.
DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.
i do all steps perfectly to make jnx for dakota 20 , but when we use jnx there is amessage appear (invalid jnx),
In post number #1 you have the version 5.20 of the Dakota 20 firmware pathched. Unzip, rename it to gupdate.gcd, copy to the folder Garmin of your GPS and reboot. Wait for the complete installation process. If you keep getting the error message in JNX, so your files are damaged. Provide other.
DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.
i need Patched firmware for Etrex_30 ,GPSMAP 26s,78
Etrex_30 ,GPSMAP 62s,78 Patched firmware
if i add more than jnx in gamin (Birdseye), th same message appeare, plz can you help me to this problem
How many such maps you trying to put into the device?
Max number of JNX maps per device:
- up to 200 (with the firmwares released before March, 2011);
- up to 250 (with new firmwares).
Max size of one JNX file - up to 4GB. About the total volume - not known exactly.
Last edited by Cnfhbr; 15th July 2012 at 11:11 AM. Reason: added info ...
i am trying to put into device two jnx but th siz (200,700 mb)