How do I find the FIDs for subscriptions that have already been added to the Traffic Receiver? I have a unknown unactivated subscription that was probably added by the previous owner of my traffic receiver and would like to find out its FID.
I did enable traffic on two receivers - nuvi 7xx and 8xx.
But now I have a nuvi 1390 (with lifetime Navteq). Trying to generate the code for TTN and it tells me that there are too many numbers in the generated code (they are 25).
I am using the generator v1.5 with 5 field ID.
How to... continue?
Last edited by Superduper67; 16th September 2011 at 11:45 AM.
How do I find the FIDs for subscriptions that have already been added to the Traffic Receiver? I have a unknown unactivated subscription that was probably added by the previous owner of my traffic receiver and would like to find out its FID.
I believe the only way find the FIDs for subscriptions that have already been added to the Traffic Receiver is to access the firmware of the receiver GTMxx and find the key with some hex editor. The problem is how to access or copy this firmware. With this key in hand, we find the parameters with the InfoUC tool. On the other hand, if your intention is to get the FID to enter new signature, this path may be wrong. If the signature is listed as inactive and Nonamed, meaningful that GTMxx or GPS are incompatibility with the key of the country. If you want to use the Traffic in your country, try to find the parameters at the beginning of this topic and generate the key with the jetmouse. If not found, there are no easy methods to deduce the FID and other parameters from the file trafficprovider.xml and FM Table. I think you should first say what their purpose is, what country to use the Traffic and yours models of GPS and GTM.
Last edited by angelozip; 16th September 2011 at 04:19 PM.
My model is the Nuvi 855 with a GTM 20 receiver. I want to know the FID of a inactive subscription in my Nuvi so I can remove it, unless there is a way to remove the subscription without knowing it. I bought my receiver secondhand, which as advertised as having "lifetime traffic." Now I realize that the seller probably added the subscription himself and possibly mistyped an FID in doing so, resulting in a second inactive subscription. Whenever I go to the Traffic Settings page it warns me that I have a subscription that has not been activated. But I have no idea what it is for. There is no traffprovider.xml in my device and I inspected the regular garmin xml file, but it does not contain traffic information as far as I can see.
Accessing the Traffic firmware sounds good, but how do you access it? It appears to have some kind of serial link with the Nuvi, but no idea how to access the receiver.
Last edited by gps855; 17th September 2011 at 04:33 AM.
thanks for sharing
To delete the signature through the normal process you really need the FID, PID, and RgnID VenID (this should be zero) to generate a key that will erase the signature inactive, but strictly speaking the signature inactive will not interfere with the news that you will install. But to ensure that a signature do not interfere in the other, generate a signature for annulment with the parameters of the new signature, before installing the new one. If the inactive signature is deleted, simply install the new and the problem is solved, but if she keeps installed, indicates that the FID is different and refers to another provider/country and will not interfere with your new signature (dont forget to reset the GPS and GTM20 to see if it was deleted). Later, with calm, you can try to discover how to eliminate the signature inactive.Originally Posted by gps855
Last edited by angelozip; 20th September 2011 at 03:33 AM.
Does anybody know if there is a limit of how many subscriptions you can add to a GTM20.
Are the remove subscriptions (0,0,0) counted towards that limit number if in fact there is one?
If that limit is reached, and you add a new code that is accepted, does it delete a previous one to make room?
The reason I ask is my GMT20 shows lifetime subscriptions for both Navteq & TTN. Yet when I go into the FM table it only shows "no name" with 7 existing FM frequency numbers, sometimes more than 7, sometimes less depending on signal strength. I know for a fact these are Navteq stations.
Although the subscription page shows Lifetime for both Navteq & TTN, & the GTMInfo\Fm Table page also displays the subscriptions for both Navteq & TTN,
I am not receiving any TTN whatsoever.
Doing an experiment with my friends 265W with the GTM 25, and my 765T with a GTM20, both units side be side, his GTM25 shows both Navteq
and TTN frequencies displayed in the table, mine only the Navteq.
I have tried countless times to remove the TTN subscriptions, then add new ones, each time message indicates the subscription was accepted, yet I don’t receive any TTN channels. The signal is there as my friends unit proves that fact.
Is it possible that my GTM will no longer accept any new codes even though it showed they were accepted.
What if I have 6 TTN codes that were accepted, how does the receiver know which one to use?
I try to answer some of your questions, but my experience has been higher with GTM25, 26 and 35. I think you should not worry too much about the limit of signatures. I've seen GTMxx with a large number of signatures of European countries that worked very well, it seems that the limit should be something more than ten signatures, at least. The removal signatures are not added to the total number of signatures, as one would expect, they reduce the total counted. The possibility of having reached the limit, the GTMxx should simply refuse to sign, it seems most likely. In this case you would have to delete some and install the new.
The frequencies that appear in the Navteq FM Table are tuned from the parameters of the signature Ltn, PID .. (in case, Navteq). When the signature is correctly recognized by the firmware of the GPS and recorded in the GTM, the name of the provider (Navteq) appears in the signature field and in the field of frequencies. If the signature field of the FM Table, the TTN provider appears correctly (incorrect appears "no name") but not corresponding to the frequency that appears in the left field (only the Navteq) is possibly an indication that the signature can be refer to another country, be incomplete or may require more than one key (may also be compatibility issue, but I can not say). In short, if you do not receive channels TTN, or key signature is incorrect, incomplete or is not compatible (update the GPS and GTM20 firmware). Another question occurred to me now: you are certain that both Navteq and TTN services operate at the same time? It seems unlikely. Try unmark the Navteq from the insert page / signatures
Last edited by angelozip; 20th September 2011 at 05:38 AM.
Thank you for your explanation about the limits of a GTM.
Although your experience is with the GTM25,26, and 35, I have read the GTM20 is the same as the 25, the only difference being the connector to the GPS mount. The GTM25 has a mini USB connector, the GTM20 has a wider rectangular plug.
My GTM20 is the newer type, shorter and has no lights like the older model.
Regarding the key suggested by others using the old jetmouse 4 digit keygen, using FID 1527, many say this does not work.
I did generate keys for both Navteq & TTN using 1527,0,0,1 and entered into Nuvi.
I'm hoping if I generate new key using 1527,0,0,0 it will remove those subscriptions, WILL THAT WORK?
I will go ahead and generate keys for all subscriptions (0,0,0), then new ones with 0,0,1.
Another problem I’m having is resetting the FM table. I see 8 entries, I then hit “Reset”, it clears all the entries, then slowly they come back, one by one.
No new ones, just the ones I had cleared. It seems they are stuck in the GTM20’s memory. HOW CAN I FIX THAT?
You said “if you do not receive channels TTN, or key signature is incorrect, incomplete or is not compatible (update the GPS and GTM20 firmware).
I am able to update the Nuvi 765T firmware, BUT WHERE DO I GET THE GTM20 FIRMWARE? I was unaware the firmware is available.
My last two questions
1-If a GTM’s subscriptions are properly recognized, can you connect it to another GPS that has a compatible connector, or must it remain with the one that generated the keys. Perhaps the Nuvi’s firmware is taking information from the GTM20’s firmware and changing things.
2-On several occasions I had entered key codes from my desk rather than have the GTM20 plugged in the car.
By connecting the AC charger it enabled the Traffic feature (GTM20 attached) and I was able enter codes just as if it was connected to car. CAN THIS METHOD OF ENTERING CODES CAUSE PROBLEMS?
You state “Try unmark the Navteq from the insert page / signatures “, this is not possible since the Nuvi 765T with USA/Canada does not have that option to select different carriers.
You would need to drive in a different area. They are not "stuck", this is how they are supposed to work. FM tables are filled automatically with the radio stations carring the traffic signals in the area arround you.
The "1527,0,0,0" didn't do anything for my 765 or 855.
I have inputed the codes with units on desk. On 1390 with GTM25 (USB) that is not possible since it doesn't get "back" the power from the USB port.
Last edited by Superduper67; 20th September 2011 at 03:37 PM.