Can [Chinese Keyboard kbd file for Nuvi] be put directly into US version nuvi then input chinese words correctly?
Nuvi 1490 provides Chinese text and voice files. Unfortunately, it lacks keyboard kbd file. If anybody has Chinese (Traditional or Simplified) keyboard kbd file of Nuvi 1xxx, please kindly post the file. Thanks!
Can [Chinese Keyboard kbd file for Nuvi] be put directly into US version nuvi then input chinese words correctly?
I'm not quite sure for that, but I would like to test any kbd file of 1xxx models and see what I would get with my Nuvi 1490T. I have tested the Thai keyboard file (th_TH.kbd) that I downloaded from [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and works good with my Nuvi 1490T. I can do search and enter address in Thai language now. I'm hoping that I can do Chinese language also because I'll be visiting Taiwan in the near future.
I would also like to know if it's possile to put chinese keyboard into US version of nuvi. How do you load the .kbd file??
I try. Unfortunately, it does not work. My Webupdater goes to US Garmin website only. I do not know how to update my Nuvi at other countries websites. Can somebody share cn_TW.kbd or cn_CH.kbd file of Nuvi 1xxx?
I checked with a GarminDevice.xml, didn't work for me either.
The only one i can offer is the kbd files for 37xx, maybe it works, but no guarantee
Unfortunately, the kbd files for 37xx do not work for my 1490T.
let try the kbd on nuvi 1350.. thank for sharing ..