I'm not familiar with 295W. Don't use "gmapprom2.img" (use "gmapprom1.img") & "gmapsupp2.img" (use "gmapsup2.img") anyway since the names are not the standard ones.
The usual map files for nüvi units are:
- gmabbmap.img (Basemap)
- gmapprom.img (Primary pre-installed map)
- gmapprom1.img (Secondary pre-installed map)
- gmapsupp.img (Supplemental map)
- gmapsup2.img (Secondary supplemental map)
- gmapoem.img (OEM map, normally just POIs)
- gmaptz.img (Time zone data)
Some newer units can use "{any_name}.img" for maps in the "Map" directory. Check the "[295W]:\Garmin\GarminDevice.xml" for possible IMG paths.
It's not likely to get Line Assistant and/or Junction View with currently available firmware and firmware hacks. Maybe in the future.