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I think what you are asking is the step by step for getting the entire locked image in Post 1 into your GPS? D/l the image. uncompress it. rename it to gmapprom.img if different. Hook up the gps using a usb cable. using Explorer or some other File Manager to get to the 8xx gps \garmin sub dir or 37xx .system directory. Copy the gmapprom.img on your GPS to somewhere on your computer hard drive so you have a back up copy of it. Once copied, then copy the new gmapprom.img you uncompressed back to the 8xx GPS \garmin directory or 37xx .system directory. It will ask to overwrite. Tell it yes. Once the file is copied to your gps, use a text editor like notepad to create "gmapprom.unl", an empty file on your PC. Then, using jm keygen v1.5, enter your GPS Serial Number in the top block, press Generate block midway down, then drop down to next block where it asks for what map, go to bottom map name drop down block, and hit "other", a block pops up and then you enter 2281 into this block (this mapset ID), hit enter, press generate block near bottom, copy and paste the serial number from the very bottom block into the gmapprom.unl file on your PC Copy this file to the same place you sent the new gmapprom.img file on your GPS. Done. Disconnect GPS safely. Map should now be unlocked and function OK when you turn GPS on. If all is well, map comes up meaning it is successfully unlocked, then try using voice command to Find Address. If GPS says locked map when starting up, then redo the key gen steps.. you entered incorrect serial or map id... If Find Address gives an error, then there are errors to look at like incorrect ASR files, and other things that seem to go wrong with these voice units.