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  1. #1

    Default How to convert 3790us to 3790 Sg/My

    here is the step from turboccc
    •File->Open and select your US firmware GCD or RGN file
    •Click the Save button in the boot.bin section (the first on top) and save it to boot_us.bin
    •File->Open and select your Sg/Mal firmware GCD or RGN file
    •Click the Load button in the boot.bin section (the first on top) and load boot_us.bin (the one you saved in previous step)
    •Notice the HWID and SW Version from this boot.bin and copy those numbers in the Overrides section. Enable the checkboxes and put the numbers from boot.bin.
    •File->Save to RGN (or to GCD) and select the RGN (or GCD) file name.
    •Flash RGN in pre-boot/service mode using updater.exe from Garmin, or copy GUPDATE.GCD to your GPS and reboot.
    Last edited by aekhong; 29th November 2010 at 09:07 AM.

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  3. #2


    For .GCD :: you should be careful because we need to clarify something.
    Last edited by aekhong; 29th November 2010 at 09:08 AM.

  4. #3


    How to fix "rebooting from reupdate modified .GCD again and again"

    The wrong Modified .GCD file can make 3790 to be in rebooting loop.
    Rebooting will happen when nuvi boot up and "read" the wrong .GCD file inside .system
    The solutions is ..you have to delete .gcd file within .system via mass storage mode.
    The problem is you can't acess mass storage mode any more., the solution may be

    1). Use modified rgn to flash 3790 in Pre-boot mode. if work--> just delete .gcd file.

    2) if rgn file don't work you may try this .... I read from "andynyc2003"

    "I was able to delete the problem gcd files from my drive. Here is how I did that,
    1. hard turn off the device by pressing the power button.
    2. put one finger on the left upper conner, when system came up, press the power button again, wait until the " Turn off the device? Yes/no" show up.
    3. plug it in with USB, now computer recognize the drive."

    3). or you have to make a cure rgn.

  5. #4


    "What is cure RGN"
    Cure RGN is the modified rgn that modified in specific point for specific cause ... to make nuvi "skip reading" the wrong data inside unit., so unit will boot normally again and let you can delete the wrong file.

    What can be a missing file ?
    For example :: wrong keyboard (in nuvi1xxx)., wrong custom POIs (in nuvi1xxx) ., wrong .vpm file (flash nuvi to other region)., menu ., modified gupdate.gcd.,wrong map.,

    "To locate the wrong file "location" within Nuvi Firmware"
    You need Hexeditor to find it out.

    Concept :: You need to know what you did wrong ie..wrong map
    So you have to find ".img" and ".IMG" in firmware by Hexeditor and then you have to do like this
    img -- > mig / IMG --> MIG for all location you find "img" or "IMG"

    Now nuvi will don't know .img file anymore., booting will success and you can access mass storage again to delete the wrong file.
    Last edited by aekhong; 25th November 2010 at 02:50 AM.

  6. #5


    "How to make cure RGN file"
    -You need RGN_Tool to save firmware to boot.bin and fw_all.bin
    -You need Hexeditor to edit in both boot.bin and fw_all.bin (no need to have chaeksum if you swap like img-->mig)
    -use RGN_Tool ., load boot.bin ., fw_all.bin
    -save to RGN.

    PS :: I will post pictures for more detail later.

    New -- To make cure RGN by batch file from catymag --> [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by aekhong; 6th November 2010 at 02:55 PM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
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    Hi everybody,
    Where can I find 3790 Sg/Mal firmware to download?

  8. #7

    Default Sg/My v2.30

    Please Login or Register to see the links
    and click "On the road" link.

    Hi ocsi_2004.,
    It's safe to use rgn file if you like to convert us to Sg/My.
    You need to access "Pre-boot mode" to flash modified rgn file.
    Last edited by aekhong; 6th November 2010 at 11:35 AM.

  9. #8
    Join Date
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    Hi aekhong,
    Thank you. I've download it.
    I see it is a self executable update file that search for installed firmware and try to update it.
    Is it possible just to run this executable and update from us to Sg/Mal?
    I am not IT specialist in firmwares.

  10. #9


    Which topic did you like to know? convert or cure rgn ?
    Sorry to say that now it's impossible to automatically run to convert your unit from US-->Sg.
    for make cure rgn by batch -->[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    but you have to make a script file to run.

  11. #10
    Join Date
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    I am not sure which one fits my desire.
    Probably convert.
    The idea is that I have a brand new running 3790T and after I saw what improvement has sg/mal firmware I am tempted to convert my Nuvi to this firmware.
    But really I do not want to have a "brand new" unusable Nuvi, so before I act, I need to know all about this topic.
    May be o good advice will help me and would be much appreciated.



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