Travel Guide Brasil - TrackSource by nimraG


Please use only one map active or CNBr or Project TrackSource (TS) or Autoguia.
The TGB uses TS database , so you always have the GPS points of interest (POI) project TS in your map. Pois appear in the form of icon during navigation
Understanding the version numbers:
version: 10:01:30
10: 2010
01: 01 months - January
30: 30

Version: 10:05:29 - compilation 31 at 22:22 - containing:

Drinking water fountain, fountain - 357 points - base 10:02:07
Bar, nightclub, wine cellar and the like - 2060 points - base 10:02:07
Pharmacy - 1757 points - base 10:02:10
Hospital emergency room, medical, life-saving - 2699 points - base 10:02:05
Hotel, Motel - 5330 points - base 10:05:29
Cafeteria - 1635 points - base 10:05:29
Shop (other types) - 1063 points - base 10:02:07
Marina - 213 basis points 10:02:10
Park, Garden - 2976 points - base 10:01:30
Pizzeria - 733 points - base 10:02:07
Landmark, lookout, attraction - 2158 points - base 10:01:30
Beach - 1242 points - base 10:01:30
German Restaurant - 48 points - base 10:01:30
Americano Restaurant - 05 points - base 10:01:30
Asian Restaurant (Japanese, Thai, Indian, etc.). - 184 points - base 10:01:30
Cafeteria Restaurant - 123 points - base 10:01:30
Chinese Restaurant - 72 points - base 10:02:07
Grill Restaurant - 629 points - base 10:01:30
Restaurant International - 77 points - base 10:01:30
Meat Restaurant - 151 points - base 10:01:30
French Restaurant - 17 points - base 10:01:30
Seafood Restaurant - 319 points - base 10:01:30
Italian Restaurant - 281 points - base 10:02:07
Mexican Restaurant - 10 points - base 10:01:30
Restaurant other types - 3446 points - base 10:01:30
Shopping Center - 1172 points - base 10:01:30
Supermarket - 231 points - base 10:01:30
Wireless Hot Spot - 26 points (creed) - base 10:01:30
Zoo, Aquarium - 54 points - base 10:01:30

Building Brazil ( 3D Buinding) - 08 points -

Total of 31 176 points

Unzip the file and save the folder on the GPS: \ Garmin \ POI
If you already have an earlier version, replace the file.
In GPS points are in the Find / Points Extras.
These POI does not replace the 'radars' installed with poiloader.

Download: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

See also: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

credits to Casemiro