Mapset 1. City Navigator North America NT 2009 = nuvi drive main detail mapset (gmapprom.img)
Mapset 2. City Navigator Mexico NT 2008 = nuvi drive OEM detailed mapset (gmapoem.img)
Mapset 3. US Topo 2008 = nuvi drive supplemental detailed mapset (gmapsupp.img)
Mapset 4. City Navigator Europe NT 2009 = SD Card drive supplemental mapset (gmapsupp.img)
Mapset 5. nuvi drive Basemap (gmapbmap.img)
*Note: Before fiddling with mapsets, make a backup of them first, especially gmapprom.img as this is your main detailed mapset.
Here's a list of the nuvi 7x0 & 7x5's mapset names & their relationship with the nuvi
drive/SD Card:
Nuvi map naming convention
1. gmapprom.img: (7x0/7x5) nuvi drive only, (primary mapset)
2. gmapprom1.img: (7x0/7x5) nuvi drive only (secondary mapset) example: North American / European units
3. gmapsupp.img: (7x0/7x5) nuvi drive (supplemental mapset)
4. gmapsupp.img: (7x0/7x5) nuvi SD Card drive (supplemental mapset) [with later fw a 2nd map gmapsup1.img is usable on SD card also]
5. gmapoem.img: (7x0/7x5) nuvi drive only (OEM mapset), user accessible, cannot be unselected from the unit via Tools/Settings/Map/Map Info
*Note, when using the following default system maps as user maps, you'll naturally lose their default map attributes.
6. gmapbmap.img: (7x0/7x5) nuvi drive only (default basemap), configurable as a supplemental map; rename desired mapset to gmapbmap.img, NOT selectable and does NOT show up under installed maps (Tools/Settings/Map/Map Info) but may be visible under Tools/Settings/System/About/Basemap
7. gmaptz.img: (7x5 only) nuvi drive only (default 7x5 Timezone map), configurable as a supplemental map; rename desired mapset to gmaptz.img
8. gmap3d.img: (7x5 only) nuvi drive only (default 7x5 3D Buildings map), configurable as a supplemental map; rename desired mapset to gmap3d.img
+9. gmap3d1.img (7x5 only) nuvi drive only (secondary 7x5 3D Buildings map), configurable as a supplemental map; rename desired mapset to gmap3d1.img