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TOPO Czech PRO 3 Mapsource
New version of navigation Czech tourist Mapsource maps for Garmin.
TOPO Czech PRO 3 is a tourist map based on the State map ZABAGED 1:10 000 and the road network StreetNet firm Ceda.
Data volume amounts to 314 MB, the map is divided into 24 regions. New Version 3 is a map drawn by including 2 km belt beyond national borders.
Navigation includes data from the final map year 2009 (especially the new bypass towns and stretches of motorways).
News and improvement
• Areas of buildings.
• Foreign passport - extending the map on the map situaci 2 km beyond national borders includes mapping elements in detail, from 1:50 000 in 1:10 000.
• liner vegetation - more than 310,000 feature, one is the important guide layer below a belt of vegetation.
• lone tree, a small grove - also a major orientation in the country, a total of 43,000 surfaces.
• Peaks - totally recast layer with Contour Networks , a total of 12,500 objects.
• Field stage - includes more than 1.1 million elements.
• Kostely - the original point layer of precise points and polygons, approximately 4 800 elements.
• Tourist signs - amended and updated about the status of 2008. More than 450 major modifications and repairs, all included for user repair.
• Cyclo -
• road network communication - significant amendments and updates, over 85 000 changes. Total has a layer of 1 million segment.
• Installation of the program includes maps in MapSource version 6.15.6, including the Czech Lokalizace program.
General Description of maps
Site TOPO Czech PRO 3 represents a unique product that offers the advantages of digital navigation maps (automatic route calculation, search ) and detailem his maps and map symbols used.
Site created by combining tourist and navigačních data from several data sources. New is on the map above uses many Planimetric and topographic features that Státního map díla 1:10 000. This product contains entirely new data elements are as MOUNDS, crises, calvary, (forests, scrub, scrub pine, hop fields, vineyards, parks), complex network of pipelines and power lines.
Like in version 2 are types of tourist sites, cycling tracks, educational paths and trails with trips . Colored symbols of all map devices Garminu production
appliances c5xx series StreetPilot, nüvi, Zumo, Colorado, Oregon, Edge 605/705, GPSMAP 278 Garmin Mobile and 10th
Site map includes these elements:
• Seat and part of the seats (20,000 points)
• points of interest in more than 50 kategoriích (eg ATMs, památky, restaurants, property Czechoslovak. Fortification, hiking sport, entertainment, rail stations and stops)
• Height quotations (65,000 points)
• Point objects are as chimneys, silos, tanks, calvary, memorial, and so forth., More as 200,000 of these objects,
• Network communication - motorway, road I-III. Class, zpevněné asfaltky, streets in cities and local communication , forest and field roads, paths (over 2,800 000 section!)
• Railways and the railway siding,
• complete a network of electric tension and pipeline
• streams, rivers,
• Lines with krokem 10 meters, linear shapes , area department
• tourist signs,
• cycling and
• Nature trails,
• surface sites and major cities area
• meadows, vegetation linear, single tree, garden and park, hop fields, vineyards and other issues with the use of pois
• area antropogenních objects, as are heaps, industrial parks, ruins, etc..,
• water-water reservoirs, lakes, ponds and small nepopsané water,
• digital terrain models (for use in the program MapSource shaded).