Thank you , great job . Hope that i can learn how to do these things and help friends
I feel like such a noob, never used jdownloader before.
Tom, I click on the link on your first post, and then select download this link, and nothing happens... I assume it is me not the program... anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong?
*** Edit, worked it out guys.... thanks (can't delete this message though?)
Last edited by dubai_bandit; 2nd June 2009 at 08:15 PM. Reason: found the info I needed
Thank you , great job . Hope that i can learn how to do these things and help friends
thanks fellows...
it worked but only by copy and paste to the garmin folder in the machine...
and it worked in it...
but how can i do it for the mapsource so that i can update my poi later ??
Thanks..Great and Appreciated
im using map source 6.15.6. will this work on in?
i opened mapsource and it is saying the map is locked
Of course works. What about u use the Keygen and generate ur unlock code?
Described here in the forum
Thanks dear. This is really a good work.
i get the cant unlock message in my gps i read what marius has said in previus posts but i still didnt understand
Hi, all. I have a G765T, with Europe preinstaled map. I downloded also middle east.img and Garmin update middle east nt 2010 from the links in this thread. I also have instaled mapsource 6.15.4.
When I instal mapsource it doesn't recogneize any instaled map so I have to go on exit.
Please tell the steps.
Thx and all the best
hey dude,
This map is having only Oman,SaudiArabia and UAE. It does not have Kuwait, I was looking for Updated Map for Kuwait.