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Thread: Garmin nuvi 710

  1. #1
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    Default Garmin nuvi 710

    Hello, I'm thinking of buying one GARMIN NUVI 710 Do you think it's worth buying? I want to pass European Maps

    thank you very much

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin nuvi 710
    Garmin nuvi 710Garmin nuvi 710Garmin nuvi 710Garmin nuvi 710Garmin nuvi 710Garmin nuvi 710Garmin nuvi 710
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    Don't pay very much for it as it's quite old and also without modification doesn't give street names for turn-by-turn navigation, i.e. no Text to Speech. See this thread for TTS mod: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Also, my recollection is that the internal memory is quite small but with updated firmware they can use a sizable SD card for additional storage.

    On the plus-side, all the nuvi 7xx series are quite robust and when using up-to-date maps they are accurate and reliable.
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