Well thanks, I don't need a button for it...it's perfect as it is now 👍👍
Adding the button button_foto.zip
Hey tsiou1, if you are using iGO Nextgen navigation without skin like me, then just add the button_foto.zip file to the UX folder.
Before you start the navigation iGO Nextgen on your mobile, you have to delete the poi_visiblities.txt file.
You can find it here: SAVE / Profiles / 01 / poi_visiblities.txt
After starting the navigation, a button should be added to your desktop, which I also added too to the post.
I hope it helped you and that you succeeded in installing the button
Spoiler: Screens iGO
Spoiler: content
Last edited by Monky; 21st March 2024 at 04:07 PM.
Pongo skin have its own button
Settings->Skin settings->Display display->Menu button->Cockpit button->Image POI in the cockpit
or as I did; look for yourself 😉
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
The path is:
Settings > Skin Settings > Cockpit > Menu Buttons > Cockpit Buttons, (or Quick Menu Buttons) > Show button Picture in Cockpit, (or Show button Picture in Quick Menu).
The bad thing is that it presents images in order of proximity, the scrolling is not very responsive and the image search is complicated.
The option New Route > Picture is grayed out.
I much prefer the system adopted for Luna, it lets me choose between the phone's image management apps, (Gallery or Photos) where the images are not sorted by proximity and are found more easily and quickly.
The option New Route > Picture is selectable and with the same options as the Button described above.
I prefer the Pongo skin route in Nextgen
->New route->POIs->Search by name/category->PicturePOI->Own pictures
* instead of [At current location] then the corresponding selection
In the pop-up there are further selection options up to [Show all POI] and the Pikture POI are displayed in the area on the map.
For me the more effective way is route by image
and... for me, LUNA is not an option for “Otto Normalo” car navigation 😉
Last edited by rondoan; 22nd March 2024 at 08:44 AM.
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉