I've never heard of this skin.
My GPS has iGo Primo for Windows CE. As far as I understand, the Picto skin is supposed to come with iGo Primo, but I think that the manufacturer of my GPS removed it for some reason. Where can I find this skin?
@zzyzxroad what skins are in your display settings?
"Skins in display settings" do not exist. Also, none skin exist in factory (NNG) editions. Big brands were making skins for their releases
I did a bit of googling, and as far as I can see this it's very old and is actually about schemes
While I have not found any further information or links it seems to me that it may be a phrase - "painted" (?)
Spoiler: igo primo
Spoiler: igo primo
Spoiler: igo primo
Spoiler: igo primo
Spoiler: igo primo
Last edited by arslankayna; 13th March 2024 at 04:42 PM.
And yes, that's are schemes, I know that gece mean night.
Spoiler: Turkish? Yes, with speech Regognition
Spoiler: Turkish? Yes, with speech Regognition
Spoiler: Skin? Yes!
Spoiler: Skin? Yes!
Spoiler: Sheme? Yes!
Spoiler: Sheme or Skin?
iGO Primo WinCE
Spoiler: Link
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I did not download the software from the navigator's link (I'm pretty sure I have it already), but I remembered something.
I have a collection of original (from my device) and modified releases from that time (9.2.0, 9.2.1, 9.2.4 ...). I found a picto scheme in the modified data.zip file. And a bunch of skins ...