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  1. #1
    iGO Enthusiast iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)
    iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)
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    Default iGO apk collection for current Android releases (up to A14)

    This is a collection of all actual apk files, NextGen and Luna, slightly adapted for specific editions - up to version 12, for version 13 and 14.

    These are not 64-bit apps (arm64-v8a), which are required to run on Pixel phones with Android 14, new generation of Samsung phones (S24 serie, A55, A35 ...), Xiaomi 13/14 ... etc, and all other devices that ONLY support 64-bit architecture and apps - actually the manufacturers excluded support for 32bit applications

    The package contains 3 times 10 NextGen apks intended for STANDARD versions.
    They are divided into three packages - up to Android 12, Android 13 and Android 14.
    The base folder is different for each version:
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    as it is with the original editions.

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    The package contains 3 times 10 NextGen apks
    They are divided into three packages up to Android 12, Android 13 and Android 14.
    Base folder for installation of all this versions is iGO_NextGen.
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    There are 3 standard Luna versions in the package, MOD-A13 and MOD-A14.
    All versions work on all Android OS.
    Base installation folder is iGO_Luna.
    MOD-A13 and MOD-A14 use for Android 13 and 14 in case it is installed together with one of the NextGen versions.
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    PAL apk adaptation of the colleague Marx
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    1. tts_nua_ve1 does not work,
    2. Online services work,
    3. In multi-screen mode, the application works even if it is not in focus

    His Israel apk:
    Spoiler: download

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    1. tts_nua_ve1 works,
    2. Online services do not work (Except for manipulations with the "save" folder)
    Weather forecast and TMC online work without problems, but VR still does not work.
    3. In multi-screen mode, the application works even if it is not in focus

    Serbian PAL package 2023.06
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    the online services are working

    Croatian content Luna package 2023.Q2
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    the final edition with all the errors corrected and useful additions, Croatian map, Serbian & English langs/voices
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    Petar's PAL apk adaptation for black screen problems
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    Note - the online services are not working

    His PAL apk for A15:
    Spoiler: this post
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    His World package, [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    For possible installation problems on A14, and also the experiences that can be useful, read/follow complete discussion from post #146 and further:
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    Video instructions here
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    A short conclusion:

    - clear all tails of previous installations if necessary
    - after installation, do not launch at all a new application, grant absolutely all permissions first

    All my links renewed, 03.12.2024.
    Last edited by Boki; 23rd November 2024 at 11:27 AM. Reason: updated link
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

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