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  1. #1
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    Question Reclaim maps from bricked device

    I have a bricked device with som original garmin maps. I would very much like to not have to purchase these again, so I figured I could use gimgunlock 0.04 to unlock them. The didn't work. So I figured I could take the now unlocked maps and split them with gmap tool. Same problem - the gps (alpha 100) said it couldn't unlock the map. So I tried gimgunlock on all the img files it was split into, but it didn't find anything to unlock.

    Anyone got any good tips on how I can achieve this? I'm not looking to pirate anything - just not having to buy the maps again. I'm perfectly happy with my old, not updated maps.

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  3. #2
    VIP Master Reclaim maps from bricked device
    Reclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked device
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustaGuest View Post
    Hi.I'm not looking to pirate anything - just not having to buy the maps again. I'm perfectly happy with my old, not updated maps.
    Unfortunately this is still against this forum rules to help you as Garmin states maps cannot be transferred to another device. Your Alpha 100 also has firmware that does not recognize maps even if you have tried gimgunlock.
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  4. #3
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    Ok, thanks.

    Unfortunately, my products fall under "Any map product that is discontinued or no longer available for purchase or download (ex. some regional countries mapping) cannot be transferred to an exchanged device."
    Last edited by Boki; 24th September 2023 at 09:20 AM. Reason: unnecessary quote removed, approved

  5. #4
    iGO Enthusiast Reclaim maps from bricked device
    Reclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked deviceReclaim maps from bricked device
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    Well, that's exactly it - the device is no longer covered by map updates. You have to pay for every new edition.

    Or, to find a "free" solution, but not on this Forum
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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