I found this UX for manage waypoints WinCE 800x480.
It is very functional and works perfectly.
Does anyone know if there is a UX "Manage waypoints" for WinCE resolution 800x480.
At the moment I'm using such a UX - it's called Autoskip_Next_Waypoint_Nk's.zip - but it has the only disadvantage that, when I load a saved route, after loading it deletes the first waypoint itself.
I think that either something is wrong in the program of this UX, or I received it damaged from the source.
I am grateful to anyone who has another version of this UX, or another UX that performs the same functions, or that can debug it, if necessary.
Problem solved.
I found the correct uX utility and it is functional.
Last edited by uceanu; 11th September 2023 at 10:00 AM.
I found this UX for manage waypoints WinCE 800x480.
It is very functional and works perfectly.