use road speedlimit - it means to use the speed that is available on the road, and not in speedcam.txt with a value of 0 km h, the speed on the road is available on maps, for example HERE.
If you are using speedcam.txt and it contains the lines
-0.135190,51.531330,1,0,0,0 - speed = 0
-4.157140,50.385330,2,,0,0 - speed = ,,
at 0 speed or no speed at all ,,
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You need to consider the entry for warnings
in plugin.ini or sys
We note right away that this entry is in the pongo, garigor skin and if you use this skins, these you do not need to do anything.
But you can use other skins or program iGO without a skin at all, In this case, you need to pay attention to this entry use_road_speedlimit=1.
It must be =1 or completely absent in the section [warning].
Such a line use_road_speedlimit=0, Forbids notifying cameras at a rate of 0:
-0.135190,51.531330,1,0,0,0 - speed = 0
Such a line use_road_speedlimit=0, Alerts the camera, but no speed limit:
-4.157140,50.385330,2,,0,0 - speed = ,,