Interesting .............. Can you show a screenshot please?
The new luna maps Q2 2022 maps has a new driver alert i never had before and more data for lane curve to left. the new alert is called hill and it says hill. i previously had a steam grade with a truck and hill icon now i have a hill icon near smaller hills.
Interesting .............. Can you show a screenshot please?
so i posted a screen shot of my igo this is my street. The hill sign has never showed up in any of the luna maps for usa. I have had the hill decent sign with truck and it says how steep the hill is but this is different.
Spoiler: image
intresting that there this steep downgrade that has the truck and hill icon it use to give how steep it was it doesnt do it on these maps
Last edited by Boki; 19th April 2023 at 09:33 AM. Reason: spoiler!, merged two posts