Convert iGO points of interest to GPS eXchange format.
We have found 3 software records in our database eligible for .upoi to .gpx file format conversion.
GPSBabel software can be used to convert various waypoints, tracks, and routes data between popular GPS receivers and mapping programs, which also includes .upoi and .gpx files.
Open GPSBabel → Select iGO 2008 points of interest Format
Click on File Name(s) button → navigate to .upoi file
Select output format GPX XML → type the name of output format to File Name letter box
Click on Use button.
Articles and other information relating to upoi into gpx conversion:
How to convert iGo 2008 UPOI files to GPX XML format with GPSBabel - Converting iGo 2008 points of interest UPOI fle format to GPS XML eXchange format