I don't know where your problem is, but it is not the map.
I have just tested, she screenshoot
Spoiler: screenshot
I redownload the set but now from torrent from batiskaf.....same result.
I think trafficlights are not in the files....to be clear, it's not about red light cams !
Last edited by rider; 12th March 2023 at 03:02 PM.
I don't know where your problem is, but it is not the map.
I have just tested, she screenshoot
Spoiler: screenshot
@ noknoi
So why is HERE 2022 Q 2 ok and Q 4 is not.
I sometimes use TomTom maps and I know these maps don't have traffic lights, never had but HERE always had until now.
Very strange.
Is the screenshot of 2022 Q 4 ?
Of course the Screenshoot is 2022 Q4 and shows you that the map is ok.
You have changed anything when the map's Q2 has worked.
The last shot
Are you 100% sure that you changed (replaced) all the files? If there is no old one left, or you have duplicates of both editions.
There were cases where the user decidedly claimed to have replaced everything, and then at the end said, oh, I forgot the fbl file.
Thanks so much for thinking guys, I check tomorrow again .
Let you all know of course .
Ok, checked all the files, all fine.
So I deleted save again, cleared cache and deinstalled the app > reboot the device.
Did a clean install and guess what ? Traffic lights are back on the map !
The only thing is now that I have no idea what caused this but well, working fine again.
Thanx again.
Last edited by Boki; 13th March 2023 at 10:38 AM. Reason: merged two consecutive posts
Hi all
Suggestion (not tested)........ Perhaps the display (or not) of the trafficlights is depending of the installed APK ?
Last edited by BIBUOT; 13th March 2023 at 10:36 AM.
TANUKI 's Team stay alive in the dark, in the old days was named Dreamteam-DT... my moderator pseudo Bilouteam
I am not visionary, but I have a feeling. I think you use the AVICSYNC_9.18.28.696728 version and the problem comes from that.
This program has been announced as a completely broken version and does not need current fresh license files.
Well this is almost the case, except for the Traffic Light. Unfortunately, you need a fresh license, including the Traffic Light permit.
For the previous 2022.q2 map set, there was a feu_truck_47c_becker_un_pmu_2022_q2.lyc license that contained this, so Traffic Light appeared on the map.Spoiler: license
As I said in post #16 after re-install problem is solved.
No change in licenses at all.
I do see traffic lights, don't have any theme, do have mentioned license, latest global_cfg (811109) and Basemap_NNG_2015.10_210623.fbl.
But I don't have any announcements related to traffic lights like before.
Tested with 'Numbers and Names', 'Numbers Only' and 'Just Manoeuvres' in 'Settings' -> 'Sound' -> 'Say Road Names'.
Moved to discussion section.