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  1. #1
    VIP Master City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
    City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
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    Default City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available

    Ready to update your device & your PC.
    City Navigator North America NT 2023.10
    City Navigator Canada & US NT 2023.10
    City Navigator Lower 49 NT 2023.10
    Last edited by Garman_Nuvi; 3rd February 2023 at 09:36 PM. Reason: Edit as GE is now updating PC

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  3. #2
    Member + City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
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    My GE 7.16.1 is still refusing to update the PC installation

  4. #3
    VIP Master City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
    City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
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    Two of my oldest devices are both offered to install on a computer. I assume you have tried reinstalling GE.

    Spoiler: Image:
    GE 7 16 1 0
    Last edited by Midnight Blues; 4th July 2024 at 07:09 AM. Reason: edit image link and spoiler

  5. #4
    Member + City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
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    Reinstalling, and also clearing the map copy in C:\ProgramData\Garmin\CoreService\Downloads\Map makes no difference.
    Other maps such as CN ANZ still install to PC fine, NA which has always worked offers this which is a little different but installs to device ok:
    Spoiler: Image:

    But if Install to Computer is selected it continually bombs out with this:
    Spoiler: Image:
    Last edited by Midnight Blues; 4th July 2024 at 07:11 AM. Reason: edit image link and spoiler

  6. #5
    VIP Master City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
    City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
    Garman_Nuvi's Avatar
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    OK, I've tried two of my nuvi 3597's plus other devices & get the same result as you.
    Seams not to be device specific ,may require a call to Garmin.
    I guess you know where to get a copy of the gmap folder if you need to
    Spoiler: Seams to be working again now !
    GE NA gmap
    Last edited by Garman_Nuvi; 21st February 2023 at 02:48 AM.

  7. #6
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
    City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
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    No reason for any City Navigator NT to not work in your nuvi 200W provided it's sized correctly and unlocked for the device. Look in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], particularly under "Storing maps in devices".

    As for sourcing 'unofficial' maps, you'll need to look elsewhere. Read the [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], #9.
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  8. #7
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
    City Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 AvailableCity Navigator North America NT 2024.10 Available
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    Welcome to GPS Power. Please make an Introduction Thread in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Section as this thread may eventual be removed which will make you a zero poster and back to inactivate status.

    Due to rules we aren't able to supply you directly with 'unofficial' garmin maps if that's what you want. However this version has been superseded by [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. If you have an "LM" (Lifetime Maps) entitlement attached to your device GarminExpress will update it free, otherwise you'll have to pay Garmin, or search elsewhere for unofficial maps but that's not legal of course which is why it's not allowed here in this particular forum.
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