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In the Doupas_V6.5_Default & Silver_2.1&2.4 skin, a ux has been introduced that announces the toll to be paid at the next toll point on the highways in Greece. It is unlikely that you have this ux (ΔΙΟΔΙΑ ΑΠΟ FrontzosD) but I have to try. I found a ux from FrontzosD that calculates highway tolls (UX TOTAL COST OF TOLLS IN GREECE by FrontzosD) introduced in the Doupas_v8.0 skin, but it's not what I'm looking for. Does anyone have the ux that announces the cost of the next toll point? See the red tape...
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I have inserted in the <layer ui_EasyNav_NextMan> the button to display the cost for the "tollbooth".
<BUTTON class="cockpit_tollcost" z=99 visible=(!%navigation.is_in_simulation && %navigation.curr_speedcam.category == 12)>
<TEXT class="font_double1 bd bb_bb" left=0 top=1% w=100% bottom=0 z=100 glowtype=1 glowsize=1 color=#ff0000 color2=#FFFFFF TEXT=(sc_GetTollValueWithTTS(%navigation.curr_speedcam.speed_limit,%navigation.curr_speedcam.category)) visible=(%navigation.curr_speedcam.speed_limit)>
I changed
activated_sound="Toll booth"
to announce toolbooth audio
I am asking a colleague from Greece who can help with a [tolvalues] file for sys.txt and a speedcam_12_GR Tolls file. The last one found is dated 2019.
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Last edited by Boki; 26th November 2022 at 11:30 AM. Reason: code tags
I follow this site but it's not what I want. FrontzosD and Doupas put in this file GR-12_Toll_Posts.txt the value that must be paid at each toll station, something like this:
On the "speed" column appears [tollvalues]Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Last edited by Boki; 27th November 2022 at 07:33 PM. Reason: approved
Thanks. Does it include the 03/05/2022 update? Can I follow new tax change updates on this "4 GPS" site?
Last edited by Boki; 28th November 2022 at 01:07 PM. Reason: approved
Yes, I just downloaded it. And yes, they update whenever there is change. Just choose the last option for igo primo at the bottom of the page and then choose category K2 which is for cars.
good morning and happy new which versions of igo can toll announcements be made apart from luna? for example in igo my way can it be included or not?
Igo nextgen with Frontzosd skin.
And with pongo skin if you use his ux, which is include in ux_addionally.
Also igo Primo with Doupas kin
Last edited by AnthonyGreek; 1st January 2023 at 02:48 PM.
Prices are not entered in the sys file and have nothing to do with it