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  1. #11
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    weel UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO Luna - speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO Luna - speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF OLD icons

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  3. #12
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO Luna - speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    SP Old
    speedcam_mod.zip for skin pongo Luna
    Spoiler: SP Old

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    The original version of the iGO NextGen icons is adapted for the pongo LUNA skin
    Spoiler: dictionary SP

    Speed Camera="Radar Fijo"
    Mobile Speed Camera="Posible Radar Oculto"
    Built-in Speed Camera="Radar Fijo en Semáforo"
    Average Speed Camera="Radar de Tramo - Inicio"
    Red Light Camera="Radar de Semáforo en Rojo"
    Multi Function Camera="Radar Multifuncional"
    Railroad Crossing="Cruce de Ferrocarril"
    Bus Lane Camera="Cámara para Carril de Autobús"
    High Accident Zone="Tramo de Concentración de Accidentes"
    School Zone="Zona Escolar"
    Town Entry Point="Punto de Entrada a Ciudad"
    Red Light and Speed Camera="Radar de Semáforo en Rojo y por Exceso de Velocidad"
    Toll Booth="Autopista de Peaje"
    Hospital, Ambulance="Hospital o Centro de Salud"
    Fire Station="Estación de Bomberos"
    Congestion Charge Zone="Área Urbana de Pago"
    Alcohol Test="Control de Alcoholemia"
    Fixed Mobile Camera="Posible Radar Móvil"
    Speed Breaker="Limitador de Velocidad"
    Residential Priority Area="Área de Prioridad Residencial"
    Dangerous Turn="Curva Peligrosa"
    Radar Tunnel="Radar de Túnel"
    POI="Punto de Interés"
    RPS Post="Posible Control de Tráfico"
    Radar Variable="Radar Fijo Límite Variable"
    Radar Mobile Variable="Posible Radar Oculto Límite Variable"
    Radar Stop="Radar de Stop"
    Average Interval="Punto Intermedio en Tramo Controlado"
    Average Speed End="Fin de Tramo Controlado"
    Radar Velolaser="Radar Velolaser"
    SC camera="Cámara para Control de Uso de Cinturón y Móvil"
    Dangerous Area="Punto de Circulación Peligroso"

    Speed camera ahead.="Radar fijo."
    Speed camera.="Radar fijo."
    Mobile speed camera ahead.="Posible radar oculto."
    Mobile speed camera.="Posible radar oculto."
    Built-in speed camera ahead.="Radar fijo incorporado en semáforo."
    Built-in speed camera.="Radar fijo incorporado en semáforo."
    Average speed camera ahead.="Radar de tramo. Inicio."
    Average speed camera.="Radar de tramo. Inicio."
    Red light camera ahead.="Radar de semáforo en rojo."
    Red light camera.="Radar de semáforo en rojo."
    Multi Function Camera ahead.="Radar multifuncional."
    Multi Function Camera.="Radar multifuncional."
    Railway crossing ahead.="Cruce de ferrocarril."
    Railway crossing.="Cruce de ferrocarril."
    Bus lane camera ahead.="Cámara para carril de autobús."
    Bus lane camera.="Cámara para carril de autobús."
    High accident zone ahead.="Tramo de concentración de accidentes."
    High accident zone.="Tramo de concentración de accidentes."
    School zone ahead.="Zona escolar."
    School zone.="Zona escolar."
    Town entry point ahead.="Punto de entrada a ciudad."
    Town entry point.="Punto de entrada a ciudad."
    Red light and speed camera ahead.="Radar de semáforo en rojo y por exceso de velocidad."
    Red light and speed camera.="Radar de semáforo en rojo y por exceso de velocidad."
    Toll booth ahead.="Autopista de peaje."
    Toll booth.="Autopista de peaje."
    Hospital, Ambulance ahead.="Hospital,o centro de salud."
    Hospital, Ambulance.="Hospital,o centro de salud."
    Fire Station ahead.="Estación de bomberos."
    Fire Station.="Estación de bomberos."
    Congestion charge zone ahead.="Área urbana de pago."
    Congestion charge zone.="Área urbana de pago."
    Alcohol Test ahead.="Posible control de alcoholemia."
    Alcohol Test.="Posible control de alcoholemia."
    Fixed Mobile Camera ahead.="Posible radar móvil."
    Fixed Mobile Camera.="Posible radar móvil."
    Speed Breaker ahead.="Limitador de velocidad."
    Speed Breaker.="Limitador de velocidad."
    Residential Priority Area ahead.="Área de prioridad residencial."
    Residential Priority Area.="Área de prioridad residencial."
    Dangerous Turn ahead.="Curva peligrosa."
    Dangerous Turn.="Curva peligrosa."
    Radar Tunnel ahead.="Radar de túnel."
    Radar Tunnel.="Radar de túnel."
    POI ahead.="Punto de interés."
    POI.="Punto de interés."
    RPS Post ahead.="Posible control de tráfico."
    RPS Post.="Posible control de tráfico."
    Radar Variable ahead.="Radar fijo. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Variable.="Radar fijo. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Mobile Variable ahead.="Posible radar oculto. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Mobile Variable.="Posible radar oculto. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Stop ahead.="Radar de Stop."
    Radar Stop.="Radar de Stop."
    Average Interval ahead.="Recuerda que se encuentra en un tramo controlado por radar."
    Average Interval.="Recuerda que se encuentra en un tramo controlado por radar."
    Average Speed End ahead.="Fin de tramo controlado."
    Average Speed End.="Fin de tramo controlado."
    Radar Velolaser ahead.="Posible radar láser."
    Radar Velolaser.="Posible radar láser."
    SC camera ahead.="Cámara para control de uso de cinturón y móvil."
    SC camera.="Cámara para control de uso de cinturón y móvil."
    Dangerous area ahead.="Punto de circulación peligroso."
    Dangerous area.="Punto de circulación peligroso."

    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37, 49
    Spoiler: Link_SP Old

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  4. #13
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO Luna - speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    BG Old Brazilian version
    speedcam_mod.zip for skin pongo Luna
    Spoiler: BG Old

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    The original version of the iGO NextGen icons Brazilian version is adapted for the pongo LUNA skin

    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37
    Spoiler: Link_BG Old

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  5. #14
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO Luna - speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    BG Old Italy version
    speedcam_mod.zip for skin pongo Luna
    Spoiler: BG Old

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    The original version of the iGO NextGen icons Arimi skin version is adapted for the pongo LUNA skin
    Spoiler: Type
    0 - Fixed Speed Camera,
    1 - Mobile Speed Camera,
    2 - Red Light And Speed Camera,
    3 - Average Speed Camera Start,
    4 - Red Light Camera,
    5 - Average Speed Camera on Major Roads,
    6 - Railroad Crossing,
    7 - Bus Lane Camera,
    8 - Hight Accident Zone,
    9 - School Zone,
    10 - Average Speed Camera End,
    11 - Distance Camera,
    12 - Highway Junction,
    13 - Hospital,
    14 - Fire Station,
    15 - Congestion Charge Zone,
    16 - Congestion Charge Zone only Milan,
    17 - Semi-permanent box whith Speed Camera,
    18 - Speed Breacker,
    19 - Children's Areas,
    20 - Transit Prohibited for Trucks,
    21 - Tunnel,
    22 - POI,
    23 - Overtaking Prohibited for Trucks,
    24 - Areas Prohibited for Campers,
    25 - Overtaking Detector,
    26 - Speed Boards,
    27 - Freeway Accesses ,
    28 - Height, Width, Length and Weight Limits,
    29 - Highway Accesses,
    30 - SC Camera,
    31 - Possible Icy Stretch in Winter.

    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37, 49
    Spoiler: Link_BG Old

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  6. #15
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO Luna - speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    VB Silver
    icon Default
    speedcam_mod.zip for skin pongo Luna
    Spoiler: VB

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    Back codes speedcam 46, 57, 58, 59
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    Spoiler: Link_VB Silver

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 23rd October 2022 at 06:19 AM.

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  7. #16
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO Luna - speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    VB gg Mod AF
    icon Default
    speedcam_mod.zip for skin pongo Luna
    Spoiler: VB

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    Back codes speedcam 46, 57, 58, 59

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    Spoiler: Link_VB gg

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 23rd October 2022 at 06:20 AM.

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  8. #17
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Tool FAQ iGO skin pongo

    code VB
    How VB encoding works, in the presence of a type of camera aimed at the back
    1 vehicle is alerted, "speed camera in the back ahead"
    as we see in the diagram, the camera does not work in the direction of the first car.
    2 vehicle is alerted, "the camera behind is still working for you"
    alert distance is set in skin settings - alarm distance ХХХ m.
    3 vehicle is alerted, "speed camera ahead"
    as we see in the diagram, the camera works towards the third machine.
    Spoiler: VB
    ico camera back1

    code NC, FR, BG, EUR+, GR, SP, IT
    How any other coding works, no information about the direction of the cameras
    1 vehicle is alerted, ""speed camera ahead""
    as we see in the diagram, the camera works towards the first machine.
    2 vehicle is alerted, "the camera behind is still working for you"
    alert distance is set in skin settings - alarm distance ХХХ m.
    3 vehicle is alerted, "speed camera ahead"
    as we see in the diagram, the camera works towards the third machine.
    4 vehicle is alerted, "the camera behind is still working for you"
    alert distance is set in skin settings - alarm distance ХХХ m.
    Spoiler: Other
    ico camera back2

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  9. #18
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Tool FAQ iGO skin pongo

    iGO NextGen skin pongo 2021. The latest developments of warning alarm points on the road formed the basis of the latest updates of the pongo skin. The basic principle of iGO notification is that the first nearest point is notified up to its intersection, the second point will appear on the screen only after the first one. This notification principle is completely changed in the new version of the pongo skin. Now the principle is different, the notification depends on the distance, with such settings, the second point is notified first, then with a smaller distance singing. This way, all the oncoming points will be displayed on the navigator screen. Currently, this is the only skin that works on this alert principle in the iGO NextGen program.

    This notification system is implemented in iGO Luna skin pongo.
    ski Luna Mod Garigor
    ski Luna Mod Wal24
    skin pongo Luna Mod Aldo

    Working ASC in the pongo skin.
    In more detail about the Average Speed Camera
    for the correct warning "Average Speed zone" there must be two cameras:
    - the first (the beginning of the zone) with a measurable limit limit, for example 70 km / h
    - second (end of zone) with a speed limit of 5 km / h,
    on the navigator screen, both cameras are directed against the traffic ( in speedcam.txt in the direction of travel );
    in those areas where the speed is controlled by both directions, there must be four cameras (two opposite ones)
    Spoiler: +

    Write to speedcam.txt
    2.752482,51.110999,4,120,1,43 - the first
    2.752056,51.11089,4,5,1,228 - second

    the opening and closing of the section with the control of the average speed works in iGO Luna skin pongo.
    skin Luna Mod Garigor
    ski Luna Mod Wal24
    skin pongo Luna Mod Aldo

    Skin iGO VW Nextgen by Wandel
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    Skin def mod Garigor iGO NextGen
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    ASC does not work with such an entry in speedcam.txt
    Spoiler: ++


    A different system for notifying about the closure of the average speed control section, it is recommended to use a timer, you need an entry in plugin. ini
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    And a special code in speedcam.zip ASE

    Write to speedcam.txt
    2.752482,51.110999,4,120,1,43 - start ASC
    2.752056,51.11089,14,120,1,228 - finish ASE
    Spoiler: +++

    the timer can be used for all skins, with an alert at the end of the average speed section (ASE)


    Separate discussion of the Spanish encoding " SP" and speedcam.txt from the BBS database.

    Skin pongo iGO NextGen (Luna)
    When using the full alert in average speed, you need changes to the text file

    changing the 28 code to 4 at a speed of 5 km h
    information about intermediate points is superfluous

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  10. #19
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Tool FAQ iGO skin pongo

    The second part

    iGO NextGen skin pongo 2021. The latest developments of warning dangerous points on the road formed the basis of the latest updates of the pongo skin and also affected the orientation of the cameras. The direction of fixing violations has become an additional system of information about cameras in the back, this system works in conjunction with Big speedcam showing the distance and the corresponding icon, the user sets the alert distance independently, the optimal alert distance is 100 meters, at 0 meters this function will not work. You can set up any type for the notification in the back, you need an entry in plugin. ini
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    Back alerts are relevant in countries where most cameras are aimed at the back of a car's movement, such as Belgium, France. In Russia and the nearest countries, 2 types are used, or rather, it is one camera that works in two directions, for example, if the camera is aimed at a meeting, the camera works in the back for cars that are moving away, such a speedcam encoding with the name VB (speedcam_mod_vb_def.zip) notification with special separate types.

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    Such a system of notifications in the back is also implemented in iGO Luna skin pongo.

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  11. #20
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Tool FAQ iGO skin pongo

    FAQ distance alert
    speedcam iGO notifications speedcam

    The way it works is that the first nearest point is notified before it is crossed, the second point will appear on the screen only after the first one. This principle of notification on all versions of iGO.

    If you use DA in speedcam (Start of settlement, roughness, etc.) in conjunction with penalty cameras, you may not get timely alerts if the DA point is the first on your path and the camera point is the second. The action of the cameras depends on its technical characteristics, let's say the average number is 100 meters, and the camera is located 50 meters from the DA point, as a result, if you did not slow down to the first DA point, then the camera already fixes the speed and the camera notification comes too late.

    Settings speedcam.zip, speedcam_mod.zip в plugin.ini:

    Spoiler: +++
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    warn_distances="00:350" - 350 meters alert
    ;warn_distances="130:1500,90:1000,70:550,50:400,30 :250" ; ~27 sec before the speedcam - alert depending on your speed, you can change the alert distance relative to your speed
    approach_beep_distances=200 - repeat notification, determines after how many meters the repeat will be, assume in these settings the first notification is 350m, repeated after 200 meters - 150 meters remain to the point.

    Second option:
    warn_distances="00:650" - alert 650 meters
    approach_beep_distances=200 - repeat notification, determines after how many meters there will be a repeat, let's say in these settings the first notification is 650m, repeated after 200 meters - 450 meters remain to the point, then the notification is 250 meters and 50 meters to the point.

    speedcam iGO notifications in pongo LUNA skin
    Here the principle is different, the notification depends on the distance to the point, the distance is specified in plugin.ini, for example, if the distance for all DA points is 200 meters, and to the penalty cameras 300m, the camera notification will be the first, and after 100 meters there will be a DA notification, although this the first point and the camera the second point, after the DA notification the camera will be announced again.

    Thus, all oncoming points will be displayed on the navigator screen in a timely manner. Currently, this is the only skin that works according to this principle of notification in the iGO NextGen LUNA program.

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