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  1. #1
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    Default Low RAM Usage; Freezes

    Hi to all,

    Neen some help with my setup:
    Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite SM-T220 3GB RAM
    1340 x 800
    Not rooted Android 11
    Primo NextGen
    Here Europe 2021 Q4
    Internal memory
    No skin

    The problem is with extream freezes while defining long routes(more than 3k km), both with the presentation on the screen and calculation. Also there are freezes while map presentation at the whole Europe scale.
    With the shorter routes (500-1000km) the system works just fine.
    I've tried to investigate the RAM usage of the app - it uses JUST 145MB in average, 177MB Peak. Hovewer the free RAM os the system is alwais more than 1.5GB.
    So my guess is that there is a RAM shortage for the long routes. Is the some settings that might be changed to force Igo to use more RAM?

    Thanks in advance,

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Low RAM Usage; Freezes
    Low RAM Usage; FreezesLow RAM Usage; FreezesLow RAM Usage; FreezesLow RAM Usage; FreezesLow RAM Usage; FreezesLow RAM Usage; FreezesLow RAM Usage; Freezes
    Boki's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
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    There are only three possibilities
    - defective device (gps chip, memory chip, processor itself...)
    - some of the files are bad, either content or software but most likely the content (downloaded from another host, source...)
    - you have too many licenses, which is absolutely unnecessary (read the recommendations in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ])

    All this has been mentioned several times in various topics
    Browse Forum and read
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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