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  1. #1
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    KML icon HERE map integrity

    I have been checking the integrity of my stored maps from years 2021_Q2, 2020_Q4, 2020_Q2 & 2019_Q4

    All of the above files[except WESTERN_EUROPE maps] return "checksum mismatch" errors.
    All of the WESTERN_EUROPE maps return "all files seem okay"

    However, if i check the maps for 2018_Q1/Q3/Q4 ALL maps return "all files seem okay".


    edit:- the maps were checked using "iGOViewer"
    Last edited by 1franka; 12th March 2022 at 10:33 AM. Reason: more information

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast HERE map integrity
    HERE map integrityHERE map integrityHERE map integrityHERE map integrityHERE map integrityHERE map integrityHERE map integrity
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    Because the tool you use to do that is obsolete.

    New releases have slightly modified content. It's not just Here, this also applies to TT.
    iGO reads it without problems, but iGO_View reports errors.

    This has already been mentioned several times ...
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  4. #3
    Master HERE map integrityHERE map integrityHERE map integrity
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    mentioned several times... but never explained in detail

    In fact, the checksum is a simple md5 added to the original encrypted file, and therefore we can add as many md5s as we want at the end and make believe that the file is valid.

    igoview by assuming that on some extensions the md5 is still existing and sometimes mistakenly considers that the last 16 bytes read are an erroneous MD5,

    except for a good estimate it is necessary to analyze the beginning of the file to extract the supposed position of the end of the file.

    This value less than or equal to the size of the file, is sometimes followed by a zip archive which once eliminated allows access to the MD5 signature if the resulting value corresponds to the size of the file - 16 bytes.

    By ignoring these 16 bytes, it then becomes possible to calculate the real md5 to compare it to the existing one or possibly add it as a verification signature.

    So if igoview displays: a green flag means that the md5 corresponds to the file as long as it has not been modified upstream, a red flag will not necessarily mean that the file is corrupt.

    we have already observed aberrations of itineraries by off-road lines because the data of the file was incorrect while its structure was good.



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