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  1. #1
    Master pavolino's Avatar
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    Default Igo luna on carlinkit 4g + 64g car android system smart box wireless android auto apple carplay

    Good evening everyone and I immediately thank those who can help me. I recently bought a Chinese device that allows you to transform my car's carplay into an android 9 platform similar to a mobile phone. I guess the contents are comparable to an android tv box, but I don't go further as it is not recognized by the pc. The only way to interact with the device is directly on the car infotratment. The apk are downloaded directly from the playstore or loaded on micro sd that the system equates to internal memory.
    I come to the point: I run igo next Luna on the device but the problem is that it loses the saved settings, progressively, at each restart. The only settings it keeps are the cursor choice and the POI choices. To give an example, at restart it progressively loses transparency, speed settings until at the third, fourth restart it asks me for the initial wizard.
    I have experienced in the past various problems such as the non-creation of the save, due to writing problems, but in this case the save is formed, or rather, modified by returning the semi-original settings. I tried to use a save folder on a tablet where everything works perfectly, but after a few reboots this too is compromised.
    Finally, the problem is present whether the workbook is placed in internal or external memory.
    I am aware that these Chinese devices are not very reliable, but before trash it, I allow myself to ask for your advice. Thanks and forgive me if I have dwelt.

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  3. #2
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    It seems to me that this is due to your SD card, which is formatted as an extension of the internal memory. Try installing iGO without an sd card, and then insert it back in. Or format the sd card using the SD Card Formatter v5 programm:
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    If you want to install the program on SD, format the SD card with the SD Card Formatter program before installing. Use the apk SD version and the universal Modemakias instruction for all versions of SD iGO:

    I wrote an step-by-step installation guide for the "SD" versions.

    1. Install the app.

    2. Run the installed application before putting the files. (iGO_xxx folder)
    (this creates all the paths) then click OK in the error message and reboot the device.

    3. after rebooting connect your device on computer.
    go to path: "SD/Android/data/com.nng.igo.primong.palestine/files/" and put here your "iGO_ХХХ" folder.

    4. check your "sys" make sure if in "linked_root_list" path exist your SD_card name.
    you can delete all everything, and add only: linked_root_list="/storage/emulated/0 /storage/xxxx-xxxx"
    and replace "xxxx-xxxx" with your own SD name.
    an example from my own "sys"

    linked_root_list="/storage/emulated/0 /storage/292C-1906"

    5. when you are ready from the above, go to:
    "app manager" select "iGO PAL" and do: "FORCE STOP" and then "CLEAR CACHE"

    and now you are ready to run you app....
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    If you need the SD versions of iGO, then let me know additionally...
    Last edited by batiskaf; 4th January 2022 at 11:25 PM.

  4. #3
    Master pavolino's Avatar
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    Hello Master. Thanks for the reply. In fact, however, the first installation was done completely in internal memory. and it still gave me the same problem. I can try, still moving everything to internal memory and before installing, remove the micro sd ... but I don't know ... nice problem

  5. #4
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    I dont know which carlinkit you have (the ux999??), but i am using the ux999 and dont have any problems with it. iGo Luna runs smooth. The only problem is the sound, iGO does not claim audiofocus, so i have to start a external mediaplayer (e.g. spotify), to make it work. I think that is aan error in the provided iGO apk.

    Here is my device:

    Spoiler: image
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    And i installed !everything! in the internal memory. External i only use for backup or media files.
    Last edited by Boki; 21st January 2022 at 07:51 AM. Reason: spoiler

  6. #5
    Junior Member
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    hello the round
    I've been testing the Carlink AI Box for a few days
    with MIB3 DMedia, Nextgen Luna don't get it either, no matter whether internal or external SD sound problems, iGO Pal, on the other hand, does much better.
    will continue to test.
    Last edited by Boki; 21st January 2022 at 07:51 AM. Reason: approved



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