What is the Content location for this program?
The program installs, downloads Israel maps, everything works, I do not know where these maps are.
Ok, I already know, it's in /obb but packed - not so easy to get there.
iGO Gift Edition 2021-10-08
Spoiler: obb+
What is the Content location for this program?
The program installs, downloads Israel maps, everything works, I do not know where these maps are.
Ok, I already know, it's in /obb but packed - not so easy to get there.
Last edited by wienio; 14th October 2021 at 11:21 AM.
Just same like with any original software ...
..and that's \Files - or ???
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
True, part is on Android/obb, part (licenses, save) on Android/data and part in the system /data/app.
Last edited by Boki; 14th October 2021 at 08:37 PM. Reason: removed unnecessary quote
my workaround:
I added content from LUNA to Data\com.n ......\Files and it worked. However, the only Israel map is active, German map is red in the list of contents, so it is not recognized - despite the license
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
no, I did not expect. I just wanted to say at which storage location the content including ux (skin) is recognized by the app.
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
I made some tests and it seems not only blocked by license but by proggy too that only accept ISRAEL map. All licensse are accepted with all feature but stay in red. Perhaps map are too recent as isarael map is taggued 2018