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  1. #51
    Important User Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Butters's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
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    You've got the device set in MPT (Media Transport Protocol) when you must have it in Mass Storage Mode (MSM). See here for instructions: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    Look in ".System" folder but don't remove basemap (gmapbmap.img) from there. Remove any associated files named *.gma & *.unl too. Don't remove anything else and make sure you copy everything before removal.

    In your PC's File Explorer Options>View unticking "Hide extensions for known file types" will make it easier to find the various files you should remove. Make sure you disconnect from PC and let it boot up before then turning it off again before finally reconnecting to see what GarminExpress offers you.

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  3. #52
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    @Butters my problem finally appears resolved the .System\Maps directory appeared to have numerous files by comparison to now and everything appears to working fine with current maps, firmware, bluetooth and no crashes, at least on my commute. Many thanks again for your patience

  4. #53
    Important User Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Butters's Avatar
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    Running more than one version of map data can cause conflicts even if all the data is from the same vendor such as Garmin's current most common supplier, HERE, and even if only one of the maps is selected in settings. That's something that isn't clearly understood even by many experienced users, particularly the latter underlined fact. That little quirk can actually be exploited in some circumstances such as tourists returning to China with a Western device unsuited to Chinese language usage where additionally loading an English version of the same Chinese map allows use of some of its features even when if it's not selected. POIs in particular are often accessible in deselected maps. So i'm quite certain your device's RTL Trap shut-down errors were due to duplicated but slightly conflicting POI data.
    This can finally be marked "solved" i think. A lot of red-herrings in this thread before the detective work has paid off however.
    Thanks, marked as "SOLVED" and note about solution added to initial post.



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