Have you tried the same route in simulation mode ?
If you let us know the approximate route including the two "crash" locations we can also try to see if it happens on other devices.
Hi I live in the UAE and have a very strange problem where my Garmin crashes and reboots at exactly the same locations, two to be precise and these are both on my daily commute to / from work (they are not identical locations approximately 3 km apart). Over the last year, the commute to work location resolved after a map update and so I only had the commute home crash every day. This weekend I updated maps and the commute to work crash has resumed at exactly the same location. Basically the screen fades at these two precise locations and the device does a complete reboot. Any advice most welcome
This is likely due to overlapping or duplicated map data and conflicting POIs causing shutdown errors know as "Run Time Liberty Traps". [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
Have you tried the same route in simulation mode ?
If you let us know the approximate route including the two "crash" locations we can also try to see if it happens on other devices.
Hi, I have not tried simulation mode, but this is the morning commute location (25.300722,55.364557), which was okay until the most recent map update, although it had been problematic in the past (> 1 year ago) and the evening commute location (25.311940, 55.379764) which has been consistently problematic.
Tried a simulated trip between your two locations with out crashing.
I noticed there were a few safety camera warnings, maybe a corrupt .gpi is causing the crash in the same place ,try removing any safety camera .gpi from the POI folder
Spoiler: complex image
I looked in the POI directory and found a sample cyclops .gpi file, which I have deleted. Unfortunately, the problem persists.
Are you using the original cable for car use?
Have you made tracks for your drive in GPX format.
Did you make waypoints of these locations?
Maybe the battery has a problem.
What version of the firmware are you using?Resetting the Device
You can reset your device if it stops functioning.
Hold the power key for 12 seconds.
What version of the maps are you using?
Did you use Webupdater or Garmin Express?
Did you contact Garmin about your problems?
Is it a new unit or did you get it second hand?
Also remove the map or maps to your PC and start over with Garmin Express and download the maps again.
Remove all the sample speedcam files from your unit too.
And any other POI's you might of put in.
Do you have normal voice instructions or a special voice one?
Other than using it to work and back home does the GPS work without any problems while using it for a trip to some other place?
Last edited by asprin624; 1st September 2021 at 08:29 AM.
Apart from these two reboot black spots the device works perfectly. If these were not on my daily commute it would not bother me so much. Until recently, before map update, one of these was not an issue although had been in the past for earlier map revisions
Thanks for steer to developer menu, in which the shutdown events are also shown. Does this indicate anything helpful
Spoiler: image
Last edited by Boki; 1st September 2021 at 09:05 PM. Reason: quote shortened, merged two posts, spoiler...
RTL Trap is "Run Time Liberty Trap" and is mostly caused by some minor corruption in the device's non-volatile memory region. Check that after reset/clear nonvol that the device hasn't recreated any files in the GPX folder after the next complete boot cycle.
Some modern NT/NTU map IMG files created from .GMAP folder data using MapSource rather than MapInstall can cause shutdown errors either while actively navigating or when only in moving-map mode. If the map was loaded directly to the device using GarminExpress that wouldn't have caused your issue however.
Another cause of RTL shutdowns/reboots can be minor firmware errors. A fw downgrade to the next lowest version may remedy that, particularly if you did a firmware upgrade just before this problem arose.
@Butters I followed the non volatile memory clearance and managed to eliminate my commute to work 'crash' this morning, however, the commute home 'crash' persists with an RTL error 6E5D8000, consistent with earlier crashes.
You suggested firmware downgrade, but not sure how to go about this?