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  1. #1
    Master Bixo's Avatar
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    lightning Malware on this site?

    Sorry if I put this post in the unsuitable section!

    in the lasts 3 days, when I connect to the site, and even moving through the various threads, every time my antivirus signals a malware virus, the name can be seen in the attached screnshoot.
    Please those who manage the site to check this thing...

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    Thank you.

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Malware on this site?
    Malware on this site?Malware on this site?Malware on this site?Malware on this site?Malware on this site?Malware on this site?Malware on this site?
    Boki's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
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    Surely wrong Forum section to ask/post
    Which AVP you are using? I have no problems with Avast (home) and Symantec (corporate, which is quite paranoid)
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!

    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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