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  1. #1
    Master B - tmp - Recovering
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
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    Default B - tmp - Recovering

    Version MicroSD KK LL MCC

    Spoiler: IMG:

    1 - Version Une with the sys.txt originale.
    2 - A version without sys.txt, CELA As you can place and Resume Your Old sys according to your devices.
    The empty version contains just CECI
    type = "android"
    Personally, I use the Second.
    Folder Name Your pay placer iGO folder -> Android \ data \ com.nng.igoprimoisr_636868.javaclient \ files \ iGO
    Put on Your CECI sys.txt pay no no Roote device
    [Hide] [files]
    linked_root_list = "/ sdcard / iGO / extSdCard / iGO / mnt / sdcard / iGO / mnt / extSdCard / iGO"
    - Start Your First Time June apk
    - At launch iGO will tell you That it is not the IGO (normal personally I have not put the iGO folder).
    - You'll see after the restart of your file system -> Android \ data \ com.nng.igoprimoisr.javaclient_636868 \ files
    - Place Your iGO file in the \ Files folder
    - Clear the cache of iGO, Restart Your device AND your file Register sera taken into account
    - Start iGO
    - Finished
    The versions are signed with my doc if you-have iGO Another Who Is not the Saami installation sera signature impossible.
    The solutions.
    1 - You resign yourself the apk.
    2 - Or use my signing apk = Sami.
    Sami can USE Several iGO with the Sami signature if the NOMs are different folders, you I use this method.
    DO NOT Forget What if you empty your data file will disappear if you Made faite this manipulation do not forget to rename the folder if you want to recover after -> com.nng.igoprimoisr.javaclient_625822 in -> OLD_com.nng.igoprimoisr .javaclient_636868
    Password = MCC

    Passe = MCC

    To enable access, first post: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] separated from rest of thread.
    Last edited by Midnight Blues; 14th October 2018 at 04:59 PM.
    Galaxy S5 No Root marshmallow 6.0.1
    Galaxy S2 Tablette 8' No Root Nougat 7.0
    iGO MicroSD Skins Dt Mode V3 miochacha
    MEDION P4440 - MEDION P4425

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  3. #2
    Master B - tmp - Recovering
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Rep Power



    Here are the versions -1, the principle of the system is the same as the explcation my earlier post.

    pass = MCC
    Galaxy S5 No Root marshmallow 6.0.1
    Galaxy S2 Tablette 8' No Root Nougat 7.0
    iGO MicroSD Skins Dt Mode V3 miochacha
    MEDION P4440 - MEDION P4425



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