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  1. #31
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    Here is file that i extract from setup:

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    And this is path:




    Old FW

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    Last edited by Neil; 1st February 2014 at 04:29 AM.
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  3. #32
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    Quote Originally Posted by EuroDriver View Post
    SID Folder (referenced in xml file as "Traffic Trends v3):
    SQLite Folder (referenced in xml file as "Traffic Trends"):
    It is very interesting to meet in one device 2 version of TrafficTrands. MapUpdater usually download only one version - or DB or SID even if both present in xml.

    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  4. #33
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    Quote Originally Posted by EuroDriver View Post
    [EDIT: I tried again this morning with the .unl file but withut the .gma file and it does not allow me to load the map - it keeps requiring both files to proceed]
    This is interesting seeing that the files belong to an earlier map version. Normally it is a 'no no' to have such files present with a different map 'cos it can cause problems, not prevent them.

    Perhaps this non-Garmin unit just needs to see such file types present regardless of their content during the loading process. If the map being loaded is locked and the files don't match it's FID or the Unit ID then no doubt the unit would display some message like 'Can't unlock/authenticate Maps' on boot-up.
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  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolypop000 View Post
    Here is file that i extract from setup:
    I didn't get a chance to play with them this weekend, but I'll report after I get around to it. There's also the new version 1.12.0 and Bluetooth firmware version1.42.02 that are currently available for download on the Kenwood website.

    Quote Originally Posted by Giomen View Post
    It is very interesting to meet in one device 2 version of TrafficTrands. MapUpdater usually download only one version - or DB or SID even if both present in xml...
    I thought that was rather odd too, but not knowing much about the programming of these units, I opted to have them both in there. Same goes for the 3D map image file. Even thought the unit was advertised as a 3D map capable, apparent the feature was removed. I saw no difference in having the 3D map image file in my USB stick and not having it. I don't know if the unit selectively copies what it needs (although I doubt it because it copied much quicker without the extra files). Problem is, I haven't figured out how to access the system files to verify exactly what gets installed and what doesn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    This is interesting seeing that the files belong to an earlier map version. Normally it is a 'no no' to have such files present with a different map 'cos it can cause problems, not prevent them.

    Perhaps this non-Garmin unit just needs to see such file types present regardless of their content during the loading process. If the map being loaded is locked and the files don't match it's FID or the Unit ID then no doubt the unit would display some message like 'Can't unlock/authenticate Maps' on boot-up.
    @Neil: I'm think you are mostly right - it just need to see them, as long as the maps are unlocked. When I purchased the 2013.20 map, I loaded it on my unit without issues. When I went to load it on my wife's unit though, it went ahead and loaded and loaded everything. Once it was done though, it reported it was unable to unlock the map and the unit was left with no map to view. Once I replaced the image file with the unlocked 2014.30 map, it loaded and displayed fine on both units, using the same .gma and .unl files from my unit.

    Perhaps a .gma and .unl file can be created with random identifier info, if someone care to try that and report.

    Given the info provided so far by all of you helping, I'm beginning to suspect there's a hidden and locked directory on these units that do not allow certain files to be modified. An example of this is in the files that Lolypop000 found that make reference to keyboard file, text file traffic provider and time zone image file but these are not seen in the .xml file that the unit loads on the usb stick. If my research (aka my curiosity) drives me to brick my unit, I'll donate its organs to the cause lol!

  6. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by EuroDriver View Post
    @Neil: I'm think you are mostly right - it just need to see them, as long as the maps are unlocked. When I purchased the 2013.20 map, I loaded it on my unit without issues. When I went to load it on my wife's unit though, it went ahead and loaded and loaded everything. Once it was done though, it reported it was unable to unlock the map and the unit was left with no map to view. Once I replaced the image file with the unlocked 2014.30 map, it loaded and displayed fine on both units, using the same .gma and .unl files from my unit.

    Perhaps a .gma and .unl file can be created with random identifier info, if someone care to try that and report.
    You were able to load the map on your wifes head unit using the unl and gma file that was created for your own head unit? I might be willing to try if that is the case, I am worried about bricking the unit if the gma and unl are specific to your head unit. I have all the files, but would feel more confident that I will not brick it if you were able to use those files on a different head unit.


  7. #36
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    Have you got an older 'official' NA map on your Kenwood at present and is it also a DNX9990HD? If so, you should have both unl and gma files specific to your UID already loaded with that old map. The 2013.40 map worked in EuroDriver's own unit and his wife's too using the 'official' unl & gma files from 2013.20 specific only for his unit ID.

    The only concern might be that the fresh map upload will 'wipe' not only the old map but also the gma & unl files however it shouldn't 'brick' the unit.
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  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdowney83 View Post
    You were able to load the map on your wifes head unit using the unl and gma file that was created for your own head unit? ...
    The short answer is Yes.

    Does anyone know how to read the .gma file? When I open it with notepad, I can read "Garmin GMA" at the beginning and the rest looks like a gibberish cluster of characters. The .unl file is some kind of serial number or key. I used to have an SD card with the older map prior to 2013.20 but I seem to have misplaced it.

    jdowney83: Would you mind trying to load the map without those 2 files? If it won't work, it should simply going to report that the map is not compatible and it shouldn't make any changes on your files - at least that was my experience. I'm curious if, since I had them in there when I loaded the map, if it created some type of association.

  9. #38
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    Maybe unit only look for this files and don't read what is inside.

    You can try with this empty files:

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  10. #39
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    If anyone tries lolypop000's files, please let us know if they worked.

    I contacted garmin about adding voices/vehicles and this is the response I got:

    Thank you for contacting Garmin International. The Kenwood GPS units do not have the ability to load extra voices or vehicles.

    The language settings are controlled by the Kenwood software. There is no way to change the navigation language to Spanish without changing the Kenwood language setting.

  11. #40
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
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    We know this, that Garmin FW is in Kenwood setup, becouse i extract Garmin files from Kenwood SW 1.12.0
    I think that your Kenwood have voice in NK.rom but i can't find a way how to extract it.
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