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  1. #41
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How many GPS devices do you own?
    How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?
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    Off topic! Off bl**dy Topic in a 'free talk' thread? Jeez, talk about anal retentive, wot are you an accountant?

    If you think i'm going to lay them out again just to turn them on and then photograph them [mmm something vaguely familiar about those words] you really are an accountant!
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  3. #42
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Oh boy! Alzheimer has really set in! Free Talk: yes. However, the thread is about how many GPS devices you own, not about (the temper of) the inhabitants of Oz and/or NZ. Your kids better hurry making a choice....

  4. #43
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How many GPS devices do you own?
    How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?
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    My take on "free talk" is .... well, how can i put it so your 'let's just count the nuts & bolts again today' mindset can process it? 'Free' in the present context means unrestrained, without boundaries, able to wander about. In this context 'Talk' is of course merely the method of communicating using the written word while implying a quite casual/informal style and approach. So by my definition of it, 'free talk' also allows me to ramble off into a dissertation on pretty much anything, including, for instance, my opinion on ... well ... FREE TALK! Provided of course, i do at least include a passing mention of the subject-line, which in this case is 'How many GPS devices do you own? Oh, looky! A question mark! So?? Have you bought any more since yesterday? How many do you own now? [See? I'm right back on topic (if indeed I ever actually strayed - see below)].

    Let's examine this as an example, shall we?:
    Quote Originally Posted by smokefree View Post
    Oh boy! Alzheimer has really set in! Free Talk: yes. However, the thread is about how many GPS devices you own, not about (the temper of) the inhabitants of Oz and/or NZ. Your kids better hurry making a choice....
    Who was it raised the subject of (the temper of) the inhabitants of Oz and/or NZ? ... lemme see [it's so hard to remember when the Oldtimer's disease has really set in] ... Oh! it wuz YOU! And you raised Alzheimer as well [ok, i did bring up my failing memory, but the extrapolation of that to Alzheimer is an OT to my OT]. So it's pot calling kettle black, and i'm a kettle only if your accusation of my being OT stands up in the light of your OTs being far greater sins as in that they're OT to my OT [ok, going in circles a bit there. Need a reboot]. Right, back on topic of the secondary OT of Alzheimer disease [i used to know what the symptoms of that were, but i've forgotten dammit!] ... where the hell was i? Your occupation was it? Do you really want ppl to think you're an accountant? How was the nuts 'n' bolts count today, or was it paper clips and staples? I'll have a bed next to the window thanks, in a room overlooking the garden .... Why the hell am i here? Wait til i get my hands on those flaming' kids, the window has bars .....

    Moral: Don't mess with the master of obfuscation dude!
    PS: ..... Ah sh.... dammit! doesn't matter ... Wait, i remember: Beat that!
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  5. #44
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    oregon 600
    oregon 650
    gpsmap 60 csx
    etrex 20
    etrex 30
    nüvi two models

    thats a lot of money i spent for garmin

  6. #45
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    1. Garmin Nuvi 2460LT
    2. Garmin Nuvi 40 >>> (probably the best budget GPS...just love it)
    3. Several symbian phones with Garmin installed.

  7. #46
    Important User How many GPS devices do you own?
    How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?
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    Quote Originally Posted by usag View Post
    oregon 600
    oregon 650
    gpsmap 60 csx
    etrex 20
    etrex 30
    nüvi two models

    thats a lot of money i spent for garmin
    take a look at post n34
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  8. #47
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How many GPS devices do you own?
    How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?
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    Actually, not so many Caty. I've only paid full freight price for my NA 3597 last year when first released. The rest i've bought 2nd hand [albeit some were near new], all advertised as 'not working' 'need repair' or 'for parts only'. Some were in fact bricked, but more than half were very easy fixes, some only needed firmware upgrades. A 2595LM i got for under ten bucks + 8 bucks postage, it had a smashed screen which from memory cost a bit over $20 from China including postage, so ~$40 all up and a bit of time. A couple of 3x0 and 6x0 cost only a few dollars each.
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  9. #48
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    garmin nuvi 50 my only one gps since 2012

  10. #49
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How many GPS devices do you own?
    How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?How many GPS devices do you own?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    ...... Now want to ***** the magic 50 working units, so need to throw a snipe bid in on something on eflea .... .....
    I've fixed one of the NA 680s from the bottom row so now have 50 working units. Also finally found a HWID 0827 nuvi 260W on ebay which will take it to 51. I'll convert it to 265W or maybe just go straight to 465. I think smokefree should pay half seeing i helped him with his 260W 0827 conversion. What say you SF?
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  11. #50
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    good question.
    nuvi 3950
    nuvi 2597
    nuvi 300
    nuvi 200
    nuvi 710
    nuvi 310
    zumo 660
    and i have garmin kenqood head units in cars (3)
    an old quest2
    and an old ique

    think thats it.




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