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  1. #391
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    yes, i noticed that my SG/MY 1250 is supported the JCV but when i use the MSM NT and even City navigator map 2013, the JCV is not coming out (while trying to do the simulation route), that is why i want to try using this method.

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  3. #392
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Flashing the modded logo won't help, the feature was already enabled originally so it may simply be that you need to find a route where there are junction views available. Do you have the correct JCV file corresponding to your map on your unit or microSD too? unit:/.System/JCV/filename.jcv or sd:/Garmin/JCV/filename.jcv will work.

    Do a simulation from the center of KL outbound on a route along a major highway. Scroll thru the route and if you see the grayed out words 'Junction View' at the base of the screen light up, press them to see the JuctionView. Nowhere near all junctions [interchanges] on major highways/freeways/expressways have a jcview even in the US, EU or AU major cities so be patient as there will not be a lot in MY either. If the map has a jcv file with it, you will see at least one on a long highway route somewhere.
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  4. #393
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    yes, find out the i put the JCV file in wrong path, once i put it into the correct path, it shows the junction view. Thanks

  5. #394
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Default Nuvi 12xx FW 6.20 MTK (1106)

    Here it is: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Load in preboot mode using updater.exe. Or the easy way, all SD files [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by Boki; 15th December 2022 at 02:11 PM.
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  6. #395
    Junior Member SeptemberC's Avatar
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    Good Evening. . .I have a Nuvi 1350 with 5.90 & B0972-00. . .I am currently downloading the 2014.20 map. I had inquired about where to get the JCV files for this update and was told that my nuvi doesn't support these but. . . .I could patch my firmware to enable it.
    WOW - this thread is really long.. . .I have attemted to read through and try to follow all of the updates but I am feeling a little over whelmed. My computer does have Windows 7 so do I just need to stop there because I can't use the software?

    I would greatly appreciate some advise and directions for modifying. . .Thanks so much in advance.

    PS: I also have a 255w. Can I update/upgrade it?
    Last edited by SeptemberC; 13th August 2013 at 04:20 AM.

  7. #396
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Yes, you can enable JCV in your US 1350. JCV is the only feature not already enabled in it. Firstly upgrade the fw to the current version 6.20 [you can use WebUpdater to make it easy], then the simplest way is to dl the SD card files from the end of Post #1. The thread is long, but everything you need to know and the current links are in post #1 really. Win 7 is no problem, if you have any trouble just run as administrator and/or change compatibility setting to WinXP SP3. If you use the SD method then there is no problem anyway as there is no need to use your PC to load anything to the device.

    As for your 255W, you can't use this splash or any equivalent. You maybe would like to convert it to a 465T 'Truckie's Nuvi' and get LA but not JCV [check it's got HWID 0827 and only use the original 2x5W boot.bin]. There are other methods using Asian 2x5W fw, but too many downsides with that imo.
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  8. #397
    Junior Member SeptemberC's Avatar
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    Thank you - I updated the Nuvi 1350 to the latest software using the web updater. Then I downloaded the (13xx in 14xx 6.20 for JCV.rar ) inside the rar file is a folder named updater. Inside that was updater.exe and the xxx.rgn.
    I then copied my nuvi's gupdate.gcd onto my desktop, deleted it from the nuvi. Put the Nuvi into diagnostic mode by pressing battery icon for 5 seconds and then connected USB cable to computer. Waited for the computer to recognize it. Then I double clicked on the updater.exe, chose usb, clicked ok, clicked yes. Process is complete.
    Then I saw after nuvi reboots you can put the gupdate.gcd file back in thte .system folder. However when I went to do that there was already a file with that name there. So I assumed that I did something wrong. So I went through the whole process again and this time there was no gupdate.gcd file when I went back to add it. Maybe I didn't deleted it like I thought I did. . . .But now. . .

    Where to I put the JCV files? Assuming that I did the first part correct.
    I have gmap3d.img also. Can someone tell me where to put this?
    Last edited by SeptemberC; 13th August 2013 at 11:10 PM.

  9. #398
    GPSPower Helper Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    dasilvarsa's Avatar
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    Put JCV files in Nuvi /Garmin/JCV or sdcard /Garmin/JCV
    If the folder does not exist then create it.

    Lots of users make a mistake and call the folder JVC
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein.

  10. #399
    Important User Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    look at garmindevice.xml in Garmin folder, all files paths are listed in it.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

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  11. #400
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeptemberC View Post
    I have gmap3d.img also. Can someone tell me where to put this?
    Politely? Sure, in the bin. It's only suitable for more advanced units [it's to see 3D buildings]. It won't work in your 1350, flashed with this modded splash or otherwise.
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