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  1. #91
    Important User About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmlooi View Post

    If I have 2 different maps but having the same JCV filename, how I put them to .system or sdcard folder? This is Garmin-Asus A50. Pls help.

    Map 1
    Map name: gmapprom.img

    Map 2
    Map name: gmapprom1.img
    and @zaugianto

    Rename one as anymame.img and put it in a "Map" folder in sd and in sd/JCV folder its anyname.JCV, but you cant have 2 routing maps covering the same area enabled contemporarely, disable one or delete the old one.
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    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    and @zaugianto

    Rename one as anymame.img and put it in a "Map" folder in sd and in sd/JCV folder its anyname.JCV, but you cant have 2 routing maps covering the same area enabled contemporarely, disable one or delete the old one.

    Map 1
    Map name: gmapprom.img

    You mean gmapprom.img map put in .system folder and SGMYMAL.JCV put in .system\JCV folder.

    Map 2
    Map name: gmapprom1.img

    For second map, rename gmapprom1.img to anyname.img and put in sdcard\map folder. Then, rename SGMYMAL.JCV to anyname.JCV and put in sdcard\map folder too. (Not the sdcard\map\JCV folder, am I right?)

  4. #93
    Important User About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)
    About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)
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    I mean :the map in internal memory named gmapprom.img in .System and its .JCV in :System/JCV folder with its original name (SGMYMAL.JCV ?)
    The second map in sd/Map ,named as you like eg.Malaysia.img (not gmapprom.img) and its JCV in: sd/JCV/Malaysia.jcv
    Sorry, I wrote something wrong above .JCV goes in JCV folder in sd, i correct it now
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    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  5. #94


    Can I put SID and G2S files on the SD card?
    Where would I put them? How would I name them?

    I'm trying to have EU and NA maps both on the unit with their corresponding 'additional' (jvc/sid/g2s) files. How do I structure that?

    Up until now I had NA file on the unit with it's JVC/etc files and just the IMG EU map in the SD:\Maps

  6. #95
    Important User About Garmin maps Additions files (gmap3d-JCV-gmaptz-ASR-G2S)
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    I think everything is in .System should go in sd root in their respective folders. eg: sd/SID - but I'm not sure it can work, must just test and give feedback.
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    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  7. #96


    I could test this out on my Garmin 2450 unit, but can you, or someone else, provide me with test routes (US and EU, but EU would be most helpful) that would validate that all the files (JVC/SID/G2S) are working properly?

    I would then list the files I have collected from various places after verifying them working.

    Here are the results of my testing so far, only the IMG (map) and JCV (Junction View) files so far.

    Unit: 2450

    Garmin Europe Test Route coordinates
    Start: N 53.47679 / W002.37047
    End: N 53.47780 / W002.26610

    Garmin America Test Route coordinates
    Start: N 40.64078 / W074.20522
    End: N 40.92326 / W072.71857

    Testing JCV
    Set 'simulation mode': Tools -> Settings -> System, first option, switch it to ON, defaults to OFF on each restart.
    Create the starting/ending locations using the coordinates by going Where? -> Coordinates (may be different name as I don't use English menus).
    Once you have the points saved in the unit. Go to Where? -> Favorites -> Coordinates.. -> pick the start location.
    Then, click the upper left corner to open up a little menu and choose "set location". Finally, go back to the locations list and pick the stop location and hit GO!.

    When simulating a route, you don't have to wait until a JCV screen is shown, you can click the Lane Assist bubble (upper left corner) and scroll through all the intersection data. When a JCV is available for a particular intersection/lane change, it will be shown in place of the regular map.

    On the EU test route, for map 2012.40 using D2504070A.JCV (full screen, all maps), there are 3 JCVs, at lane change: 4, 5, 6. Ensure that you are going over the M602 to reach your destination.

    On the NA test route, for map 2012.40 using D3060050A.JCV (full screen, all maps), there are 10 JCVs, at lane changes: 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

    File location:
    On the Unit (.System\JCV), from my testing, the JCV file must be in original name, changing the name cause the JCV, and possibly other JCVs, to not be recognized. Different map version JCVs can coexist in that directory.
    On the SD (SD:\Garmin\JCV), from my testing, the JCV can be any name, but up to a certain length. If the name is too long then it will not be recognized. The following file was not recognized: Europe NT All 2012.40.JCV. There can be multiple JCVs in that folder for multiple maps. If there are different size JCVs for the same map then the biggest one is used. Ex: I had the D3191040A.JCV (portrait, all maps) and D3060050A.JCV (full screen, all maps), the D306.. was used by the unit.

    Testing IMG (maps):
    This is rather straight forward. The unit can accomodate a very limited number of maps. But the SD card can contain, it seems, and unlimited number of maps in the SD:\Map folder. The maps on the SD can be renamed to anything, I have not observed a name length limitation as with the JCV files. If two different version maps are present for particular region, the latest map is used. Based on the map used/selected, it's corresponding JCV will be used if available.

    General rule for all files, got it from a post on one of the forums on this subject:
    "You can put in SD only the map+3D+JCV file, if you want to update ASR+G2S+DB file you just have to ad this files in
    existing folder in hidden .System folder, you will have 2 G2S files in G2S folder, 2 DB files in SQlite folder and all
    ASR + SRX files in ASR folder, just remember that you don't have to rename nothing just use files like they are(all
    this is tested by me in my37XX)"

    Other notes:
    I use the root SD to hold files temporarily that I don't want the unit to access, this saves time by not having to constantly delete and save files on the SD, which takes forever to transfer, a limitation of the unit itself, not my USB connection.

    Having said that, anyone know why the portrait, all maps D3048050A.JCV is not working for my EU 2012.40 map?

    Those work D3084040A.JCV, D2504070A.JCV (both full screen) but I prefer the portrait version.

    Could my EU map be Unicode/Non Unicode and the JCV files distinguish between the two?

  8. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmlooi View Post

    If I have 2 different maps but having the same JCV filename, how I put them to .system or sdcard folder? This is Garmin-Asus A50. Pls help.
    I have Garmin-Asus A10. My device can see *.jcv files in .system/JCV/ folder ONLY. I can expect the same in A50 model.

  9. #98


    I'm having problem with the JVC files on my Nuvi 2360LT with EU map 2012.4 (NTU). It only works with D3048050A.JCV, but i can only see the signs and arrows, the background real picture doesn't show up. Anyone with the same issue can help me? Am i using the wrong file?

    PS: The image is in split mode, anda i prefer like that if it's possible.
    Last edited by kraque; 8th April 2012 at 09:04 PM.

  10. #99
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    NT map needs NT version JCV, NTU map needs NTU version JCV .
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  11. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    NT map needs NT version JCV, NTU map needs NTU version JCV .
    I was using the right file for the NTU map (D3048050A.JCV) but i download it again and is now working. The file size was exactly the same, but the old file didn't work as expected, i don't know why. But now is solved. Thank you for your help.

    PS: What's the JVC name for the City Navigator Europe NT (Not unicode) 2012.4?



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