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  1. #31
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    The bricked units I came across did not have cr@cked screens and vice versa. Would it have to do with the temper of Ozzies as compared to (as you call it) "us Northern Hemisphere dwellers"...??

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  3. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    I have 44 working units
    Take a pic
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  4. #33
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How many GPS devices do you own?
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokefree View Post
    The bricked units I came across did not have cr@cked screens and vice versa. Would it have to do with the temper of Ozzies as compared to (as you call it) "us Northern Hemisphere dwellers"...??
    I've bought 4 bricked with smashed screens, 3 were from the States [so there!]. The other one was from Tasmania so it doesn't really count as Aussie [they're all Cousins down there, quite interbred, a bit like Kiwis]. Hey cuz.

    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    Take a pic
    Ahha, a doubting Thomas [actually, Thomasina]. You think i'm exaggerating but i'm not. In fact, there's more but i forgot to count the 3 or 4 i've lent to friends and family. I'll get the rest in one place and photograph them [without the jar of nuts this time]. Stand by. It might take a little while, because i pretend to have a life you know. BYW, how many you got Caty?
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  5. #34
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    OK prepared to be amazed, embarrassed, contrite and apologetic ye of little faith. I forgot about the 2595 in my second car so there's actually 45 working units in my possession and that doesn't include the 4 units loaned out [265W, 255 and 2 x 1390s]. I'll get notarized Statutory Declarations from the lendees if you don't believe that either. Here's the pic of the 45 working with the 8 [quickly roughly reassembled] non-working units in the lowest row. Ta Da! [drumroll...]:

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    I now expect some suitably groveling public acknowledgement of your misplaced request for photographic evidence Caty. Take your time, it'll take me a while to put them all back in the jumbled pile they were in before .
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  6. #35
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How many GPS devices do you own?
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    Mmmm, shocked you both so badly you're lost for words are you Caty and demi-kiwi? Speaking of words SF you should know better than that, writing 'Ozzies'. Sure that's how it's pronounced but anyone who's lived in Oz or NZ writes it as 'Aussies'. And if you accuse us of being bad-tempered again, i'm gonna smash you so f^@%in' hard! Could you do a pic of the relevant page of your Passport showing the dates of your entry to and exit from NZ please? And btw, when i wrote "3 were from the States", i mean the US of course not the mainland states of Oz.

    PS: I've also got 15 Garmin retail and 2 refurb boxes, y'wanna photo of them too Caty?

    PPS: Now want to ***** the magic 50 working units, so need to throw a snipe bid in on something on eflea [too bl**dy lazy at present to fix one of the lowest row units] .....
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  7. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    so there's actually 45 working units in my possession
    Can you start them so we can check they're really working?
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  8. #37
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How many GPS devices do you own?
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    Ah Jeez Caty! I just finished putting them away. But to answer your question: Yes, i can start the top 45. If you mean will i start them, no i won't! I'm surprised you didn't ask me to list each model # as well ......[mumble, grumble .... bl**dy demanding ppl, i dunno!]
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  9. #38
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Mmmm, shocked you both so badly you're lost for words are you Caty and demi-kiwi?
    Being in a time zone that is (currently) 6 hours out of sync with yours, please allow me to wake up before responding. I've noticed your world clock being off by a couple of hours before. Maybe you need to recalibrate the whole thing, not just the UTC time!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Speaking of words SF you should know better than that, writing 'Ozzies'. Sure that's how it's pronounced but anyone who's lived in Oz or NZ writes it as 'Aussies'.
    To me, someone who lives in Oz is an Ozzie. Obviously you "Southern Hemisphere dwellers" think differently about it, but then the folks in the Outback have always been known to have their own sort of colloquial which differs significantly from what others consider "proper English".

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Could you do a pic of the relevant page of your Passport showing the dates of your entry to and exit from NZ please?
    That would be in a passport not in use anymore. Maybe the pic below would suffice as an acceptable means of compliance with your kind request...?? I can't believe you actually said "please".


  10. #39
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    Ha! The poor b*st*rds over the Ditch [they pronounce it Dutch as you'd know, musta bin confusin fer ya, hey? (that's how they talk in the Outback)] are so desperate to get immigrants they even give Poms permanent residency. An English mate of mine had lived in OZ for 20 years but never got Naturised as an Australian even though he was entitled to do so. He went back to 'Pongo' for his Dad's funeral, stayed to look after his grieving ailing Mum who slowly faded away poor old dear and then he had to arrange her funeral too. In the grief and worry he forgot about his reentry visa which expired. NP, one would think, just a quick trip to Australia House and all fixed. Not so said some petty functionary 'tin god' from Aussie immigration. My mate fluffed around for months trying to sort it, even got a character reference letter from me he was so desperate [that probably sealed his fate unfortunately]. Anyway, long story short, he flew to NZ got permanent residency then NZ citizenship which gave him the right to jump the Ditch so he came back here for a while. Decided he'd been treated badly by AU immigration [he had] and as he had made a few connections in Auckland he thought he'd just go back where he was truly wanted and appreciated anyway. A master painter/decorator who could hang wallpaper in a strong wind blindfolded with one hand tied behind his back he was so damn good. Never had a cent of welfare off us, paid taxes for over 20 years and we burnt him forever. Don't get me started on what we're letting in here now .....

    About the Ozzie/Aussie thing, doesn't worry me really but some do arc up if you spell it the way it's pronounced. It does p*ss me off if it's pronounced ossie or au-sie though. Stop it with your perfect Continental logic [Ozzies live in Oz]. We want flawed logic so we ask the Yanks anyway. Surprised you didn't comment on my threat to smash you if you accused us of being bad-tempered again. I thought that was pretty ironic even for me [gonna sulk a bit over that].

    Mate, as for my world clock being off a couple of hours. Knowing what time it is is the least of my worries. Might know the day, lucky to know the month and i keep dating things 1994. I'm being extra nice to the kids at present, 'cos i reckon they'll be picking my nursing home soon .....
    PS: I think the Kiwis get their passport printing done in Oz anyway. We make all their money at the Perth Mint still too i heard ....
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  11. #40
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    And if you accuse us of being bad-tempered again, i'm gonna smash you so f^@%in' hard!
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Surprised you didn't comment on my threat to smash you if you accused us of being bad-tempered again. I thought that was pretty ironic even for me [gonna sulk a bit over that].
    Your temper got me worried for a moment, so I thought it better to carefully avoid the topic (rather than getting bashed up on my next visit to Oz). But you noticed it anyway. I must give you credit for that, specially knowing now you're not far off entering a nursing home by choice of your kids...

    Back to the topic again: as for Caty's request for pics of your units actually switched on... POIDH!




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