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  1. #1
    Master tomtom XL interface language
    tomtom XL interface languagetomtom XL interface languagetomtom XL interface language
    giuseppe66's Avatar
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    Default tomtom XL interface language

    Hi, i don't Know if is possible change language in my Tomtom XL. I've change voice but i've italian interface. I've try to change it but there is not romanian language. Is possible to put it? Thanks

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  3. #2
    Master Downunder35m's Avatar
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    Aug 2010
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    Only the countries you see behind the menu item with the nice flags (language selection) can be used.
    AFAIK there is no support for romanian language.
    These are the supported languages:
    Malay Portuguese Brazil Catalan
    Croatian Czech Danish
    Dutch Estonian Finnish
    Flemish French German
    Greek Hungarian Spanish International
    Italian Latvian Lithuanian
    Norwegian Polish Portuguese
    Russian Slovakian Slovenian
    South African Spanish Swedish
    Turkish UK English US English
    And I'm pretty sure TT is not adding anything to list soon.
    However, there is a request in the TT support board : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ],
    if enough user would join that request TT might react and at least give an answer to why or if there is support planned.
    Password for all my files: downunder




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