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  1. #21
    iGO Enthusiast Medals and number of posts
    Medals and number of postsMedals and number of postsMedals and number of postsMedals and number of postsMedals and number of postsMedals and number of postsMedals and number of posts
    Boki's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
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    Yes, but such is the mechanism of the Forum. We have no influence on that, unfortunately. I don't have any information on whether that can be changed.
    Some of the really "big names" are present at the Forum, but due to the low activity they do not have almost any sign. In such cases, the Admin must personally assign them the appropriate status. But everyone knows who they are ...
    On the other hand, I'm not looking at medals. For me personally, reputation level (and the number of likes) is much more valid data
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

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  3. #22
    IT Administrator Medals and number of posts
    Magnetron's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Western Australia
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    And my Medals will not change with posts or Rep.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
    THE LIKE BUTTON IS NOW IN THE BOTTOM LEFT-hand CORNER - If you can't see the like button, then you're an Inactive Member
    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.
    Magnetron Legacy



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