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    Important User [MAC] Training Center  software version Beta
    [MAC] Training Center  software version Beta[MAC] Training Center  software version Beta[MAC] Training Center  software version Beta[MAC] Training Center  software version Beta[MAC] Training Center  software version Beta[MAC] Training Center  software version Beta[MAC] Training Center  software version Beta
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    Default [MAC] Training Center software version Beta

    Training Center For Mac software version Beta

    as of July 15, 2010

    Track and analyze your fitness activities with Garmin Training Center. Use it to review activity history as well as create workouts and send them to your Garmin fitness device.

    Garmin Training Center is compatible with all Garmin fitness devices. It operates directly on your computer, not on the Internet.

    Create and Send Workouts
    Create customized workouts with Workout Creator. Specify your workout goals and rest intervals and store workouts for future use. Schedule workouts for a specific day using Training Center’s built-in calendar, and send your workouts to your fitness device. Not all devices support Custom (Advanced) Workouts.

    Create Courses

    Create a courses from your activities. Then edit the course and mark important points along the course for your next ride.
    ◦Review pace/speed, distance, time and calories burned.
    ◦If available, review heart rate, cadence and detailed elevation.
    ◦View a detailed graph of your activity, plotted over time or distance.
    ◦View a map of your activity that shows the exact path you traveled. (Maps not available with non-GPS devices.)
    ◦Categorize your activity history by type.
    ◦Review previous activities (saved by day and week).
    ◦Create customized workouts with specific goals and rest intervals. Then send them to your fitness device (supported devices).
    ◦Schedule workouts for a specific day with the built-in calendar.
    ◦Export your data to Google™ Earth.
    ◦Create or edit a course from an activity, and then add reference points along the course for next time.
    ◦Manually export your data to Garmin Connect™ and share with other users across the world

    Download (19.63 MB)
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    TrainingCenterForMac_3102Beta.rar (18,7 MB)
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    ◦System Requirements:
    Intel-based Mac
    OS 10.5.0 or later
    512 MB RAM
    1024x768 display
    150 MB free disk space
    USB port

    ◦Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.


    Change History
    Changes made from version 3.0.4 to Beta:
    ◦Added automatic history grouping into Year/Month and Year/Week subfolders.
    ◦Added User Profile support for power zones, FTP, and bike data.
    ◦Added User Profile validation and error checking.
    ◦Added ability to create workouts with power targets and durations (Note: not all devices support this).
    ◦Added ability to easily send activities to Garmin Connect.
    ◦Added new export formats: Comma Separated Values, Tab-delimited text and iCal.
    ◦Added ability to read/write instantaneous speed and source type for track points when available.
    ◦Added ability to read/write cadence and sensor values from/to TCX files.
    ◦Added ability to skip over corrupt user profiles and continue with the send/receive operation.
    ◦Fixed issue that could cause graphs to show inaccurate speed and pace.
    Last edited by catymag; 16th July 2010 at 11:42 PM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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