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    Default Nokia Maps 3.0Beta with MapsBeta on Ovi

    Nokia Maps 3.0Beta with MapsBeta on Ovi

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Introducing the new Maps 3.0Beta, with better maps than ever before, enhanced Drive and Walk navigation and synchronisation with MapsBeta on Ovi.

    What's new
    Maps 3.0Beta is a sneak preview of the forthcoming version of Nokia Maps.

    * What’s new: Enhanced car navigation, Drive*, through lane assistance, speed limit warners, improved sign post design and new ‘Route overview’ mode during navigation,
    * Enhanced pedestrian navigation, Walk**, through shortcuts (virtual connections) in urban areas, straight line guidance for off-road terrain and beeps and vibrations before next turn,
    * Significantly improved map data quality and content,
    * 3D landmarks for over 200 cities – can be displayed in 3D and 2D map modes,
    * New Terrain*** map mode,
    * Hi-res aerial images for Satellite*** and Hybrid*** map modes,
    * Nokia Maps Updater for PC, to update your Maps application and existing map data,
    * Synchronisation of Favourites and Collections with MapsBeta on Ovi and vice versa (use in online mode, enable Internet connection).
    * Feature requires Drive & Walk licence.
    **Feature requires Walk or Drive & Walk licence.
    ***To load Terrain/Satellite/Hybrid maps you need to enable Internet connection.
    * Coming soon in Maps 3.0 commercial release: Safety spot warners in selected countries
    * Extended country coverage for Traffic info service
    * Weather information
    * Premium POI content for travel, selected events and cinemas

    MapsBeta on Ovi extends the Maps experience from mobile device to the web. You can explore maps in 2D, 3D, satellite and hybrid views, save places relevant to you, create your Favourites and Collections, and then synchronise them over-the-air with Maps 3.0Beta on your mobile and vice versa.
    * Beta release feature highlights Maps in 2D, 3D, satellite and terrain views,
    * 3D landmarks for over 200 cities – can be displayed in 3D and 2D map modes,
    * Saving places under Favourites and creating Collections,
    * Synchronisation of Favourites and Collections with Maps 3.0Beta on mobile and vice versa.
    * Coming soon in the next Beta release: Route planner for Drive, car navigation, and Walk, pedestrian navigation,
    * Traffic information,
    * Weather information.

    Discover more at
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    Nokia Maps Updater and Nokia Map Loader 3.0 require Microsoft Windows XP or Vista.

    Nokia Maps Updater requires Nokia PC Suite to be installed on your computer.

    Maps 3.0Beta works with all Nokia devices based on S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2 (see devices) except N96, where we have still known compatibility issues. S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 support coming soon.

    MapsBeta on Ovi works on IE6 (Windows XP), IE7, Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 (Windows XP or Vista).

    Nokia Maps Updater is a PC application with which you can install the latest Maps 3.0 beta client to your device, and update the maps and voice guidance files. There is no sis file available, because the Maps 3.0 beta client requires the installation of new, compatible maps and voice guidance files. To use Nokia Maps Updater, you need Nokia PC Suite installed on your computer.

    Download Nokia Maps Updater (EXE, 4.5MB)
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    Download Nokia Map Loader 3.0 (EXE, 27.8MB)
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    1. Download and install Nokia Maps Updater to your computer.
    2. Connect your device to the computer, and open Nokia Maps Updater.
    3. Select your language from the list.
    4. If more than one device is connected to the computer, select your device from the list.
    5. When Nokia Maps Updater has found updates, select to download them to your device.
    6. Accept the download in your device when prompted on the device display.

    Nokia Maps Updater replaces the maps of entire regions or countries on your device. To transfer maps of additional regions or countries to your device, use Nokia Map Loader 3.0. Note that earlier versions of Nokia Map Loader do not work with Maps 3.0.

    If you downgrade the Maps application, for example, when installing new firmware or resetting the device, update the application again with Nokia Maps Updater. Downgrading to Maps 2.0 or lower is not recommended due to technical limitations and incompatibilities.

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  3. #2


    so this is only for pc rite??! anywayz added rep..

  4. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    No Skullbox, its the beta version of Maps 3.0 the standard one at the minute is 2, just installed to my N96 so not bothered about bugs etc,(just desperate for something new on my fone) and about to play with it to see if theres anything usefull with 3 as for some reason i could never get into Nokia Maps, Cheers Pincopal love something new to fiddle with , rep added
    For some reason i cant get Map loader 3 to install, it always goes to version 2.02 when i run nokia maps, Yet nokia map 3 beta installed to the fone fine???
    *Update*Had to totally remove map loader 2.02 from pc or it overruled 3 once i did this 3 ran everytime..
    Just posting this as it might be usefull then again it might not lol.
    Ran once on N96 then fone crashed and maps refused to run ever again, so not worth trtying if you have an N96 (thought id try might have been lucky and actually got something to work on this Fone :-(
    Last edited by davieg; 2nd December 2008 at 01:15 PM. Reason: ran into instalation probs

  5. #4
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2007
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    Finally!! speed limit warning! Took a while, but now I see a chance for Nokia Maps to compete with Route 66 / Garmin XT / McGuider!

  6. #5
    Junior Member vetristo's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
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    Think so .... speed limit and better route planning was the thing I missed on Nokia maps ... anyway ... McGuider is still the best mobile solution with Railwaycrossing and lane assistant ... Nokia Maps are better for walking, but they are improving which is good

  7. #6


    great I like this application
    Very Very Best form my n80 nokia




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