iGO_Luna from December 14, 2024. The Alert Point Warnings setting doesn't work on Android 10, disabling it doesn't work. After Luna restarts, the speed camera warning is activated again.
Please help.
Spoiler: screenshot
Yes, in both skins there is such an option. We enter the name of the city, street and other data in one window. Just like in the picture.
Spoiler: screenshot
Last edited by Boki; 16th December 2024 at 09:40 AM. Reason: spoiler
iGO_Luna from December 14, 2024. The Alert Point Warnings setting doesn't work on Android 10, disabling it doesn't work. After Luna restarts, the speed camera warning is activated again.
Please help.
Spoiler: screenshot
Last edited by Boki; 19th December 2024 at 02:47 PM. Reason: spoiler approved
Outdated post.
Last edited by waldek; 23rd December 2024 at 03:21 PM.
Hello, I have a problem with the keyboard on Android Care. The keyboard turns black and the letters are not visible when writing an address. On the Samsung S7 Edge that I use to help me with this problem, the letters on the keyboard are visible. What can I do to change them so that the letters on the keyboard are visible?
Last edited by Boki; 19th December 2024 at 09:27 PM. Reason: approved
Phone model doesn't matter.
What is Android Care ??? I've never heard of that.
What Android version? What resolution? Are you using the default font on it? Which language and voice files?
Edit your post and leave all relevant information.
Follow my signatures
android care .android 11, the same configurations as I have on Samsung I have on android care, with 1280 x 720 pixels, Greek language .and Greek voice,
I haven't had this problem before with any version. This is the first time something like this has happened to me.
android care version 11 greek language greek voice, screen1280 x 720 pixels
Last edited by Boki; 20th December 2024 at 07:24 AM. Reason: merged few posts
That doesn't exist.
I said edit your previous post.
I looked at your other posts and saw that you mentioned Android Car. I assume you mean Android Auto.
These are known issues, they have nothing to do with IGO or any other software.
Occur frequently, with different software and devices
Feel free to contact Google.
[sarcasm]I'm sure they'll be happy to help you out.[/sarcasm]
Don't worry, it will come up more often.
Luna is officially unsupported by AA like every other iGO
Be happy if it works at all